The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Neill 103
Department Chair and Regents Professor, N. Dasgupta; Professors, V. K. Jandhyala, A. Khapalov, B. Krishnamoorthy, H. Li, V. S. Manoranjan, J. McDonald, C. Moore, A. Panchenko, L. Schreyer, E. Schwartz, D. B. Slavit, M. Tsatsomeros, H. Yin; Associate Professors, T. Asaki, X. Chen, A. Dimitrov, M. G. Hudelson, S. Liu, N. Strigul, K. Vixie, N. Voulgarakis, Y. Wang, X. Wang, A. Wilhelm; Assistant Professors, C. Cai, D. DeFord, A. Kaul; Adjunct Professors, K. D. Cooper, K. DeBower (VAN), M. Dunaway (VAN), O. Ramyantseva (VAN), M. Fong Wilson (VAN); Scholarly Professors, H. D. Johnson, S. Lapin; Scholarly Associate Professors, R. Learn (TC), J. Martin, E. K. Sablan; Scholarly Assistant Professors, A. Cortez, T. Dejong, D. Reiss; Teaching Professors, P. Krouss, L. R. Sotomayor, Teaching Associate Professors, C. Jacobs, E. Remaley, S. Selmi (TC), D. Zhang; Teaching Assistant Professors, J. Eld, F. McGrade, D. Mitchell, M. Morgan, P. Moyo, G. Nurmakhametov (EVRT), L. Oliver, C. Sakabe, J. Sung (VAN), X. Wen; Lecturers, B. Emehiser, D. Nichols, E. Sawyer, M. Sivakumaran; Professors Emeriti, J. R. Alldredge, K. S. Cooper, D. W. DeTemple, R. H. Dillon, M. Evans, A. C. Genz, M. A. Jacroux, R. A. Johnson, M. J. Kallaher, D. C. Kent, L. Knott, R. Mifflin, C. B. Millham, F. G. Pascual S. C. Saunders, M. F. Schumaker, K. Vincent, D. S. Watkins, W. A. Webb, H. C. Wiser, D. J. Wollkind.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers courses of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with options to emphasize in 6 areas (denoted options), a Bachelor of Science in Data Analytics, a MS in Mathematics with two options, MS in Statistics, a Ph.D. in Mathematics with three options, a Ph.D. in Statistical Science, an Undergraduate Certificate in Quantitative Biology, a Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, an Undergraduate Minor in Mathematics, an Undergraduate Minor in Statistics, and a Graduate Minor in Statistics. The flexibility of the degrees allow students to get experience in diverse areas such as, statistics and data analytics, math and computer programming, statistics and economics, math and biology, etc.
Undergraduate training for mathematics majors is provided at WSU in the following six options: actuarial science, applied mathematics, secondary mathematics teaching with certification, secondary mathematics teaching without certification, theoretical mathematics, and statistics. The options prepare students for careers related to their fields of interest. The mathematics major also prepares students for graduate study in such fields as business, economics, management science and computer science, as well as mathematics and statistics. Talented undergraduate majors in mathematics are given individual and small group instruction outside of class, sometimes resulting in research publications. A transdisciplinary undergraduate degree in data analytics - a multi-disciplinary field of study comprising mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, and the study of data itself - is also available. See for more details on this program.
In addition, an undergraduate certificate in Quantitative Biology is available. Students not seeking undergraduate degrees in Mathematics or Statistics may also pursue a Minor in Mathematics and/or a Minor in Statistics.
We expect that students graduating with a mathematics degree will be able to: 1) use their mathematics and statistics skills within the context of a strong, fundamental general education, 2) use the fundamentals of the life and physical sciences, 3) apply a fundamental knowledge and practical understanding of mathematics and statistics, 4) continue learning in both traditional and non-traditional educational settings, and 5) communicate effectively.
All students who enroll in mathematics courses are responsible for satisfying the necessary prerequisite(s). With only a few exceptions, WSU undergraduate students are required to take the WSU Math Placement Assessment prior to enrolling in their first college-level mathematics course. See placement for more information.
At the graduate level, diverse research interests within our department expose students to multiple disciplines, and students often combine multiple areas into unique research projects. A PhD student has four choices: a PhD in Mathematics, PhD in Mathematics-Applied Mathematics option, a PhD in Mathematics with an Education Emphasis, or a PhD in Statistical Science. The first involves doing mathematical research, the Applied Mathematics option focuses on applied mathematical research, the Education Emphasis option involves research on the teaching and learning of mathematics, and the Statistics option involves statistical research. At the masters level the department offers the following degrees: a MS in Mathematics, MS in Mathematics–Applied Mathematics Option, MS Mathematics – Teaching Option, and a MS in Statistics. In addition, a graduate certificate in Teaching College Mathematics is available; and for students seeking a PhD in another field at WSU, a minor in Statistics is also available.
Preparation for Graduate Study
As preparation for work toward an advanced degree in mathematics or statistics, a student should have completed the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field. Opportunities are provided for removing deficiencies through the taking of appropriate courses. Students who contemplate undertaking studies leading to a doctoral degree should contact the Graduate Coordinator ( for advice and assistance in the development of their plans.
Schedules of Studies
Honors students complete the Honors College requirements which replace the UCORE requirements.
Mathematics - Actuarial Science Option (120 Credits)
In addition to the UCORE requirements and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, a mathematics major is required to take 13 core courses and a minimum of 4 additional 300-400-level MATH courses specified by a chosen option. Options include: Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics. Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
1. Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
2. Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
3. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
4. The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
5. Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6. Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
7. Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
8. Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
9. Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
CPT S 121 | 4 |
ECONS 101 [SSCI] | 3 |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
MATH 172 or 182 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2 or 3 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 273 or 283 | 2 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
MATH 405 | 3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
Second Term | Credits |
ECONS 102 | 3 |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 315 | 3 |
STAT 360 | 3 |
Electives1 | 3 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 420 | 3 |
STAT 443 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1 | 6 |
Second Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 402 [WRTG] [M] | 3 |
STAT 412 or 423 | 3 |
STAT 446 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1 | 6 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
MATH 416 | 3 |
Electives1 | 9 |
Second Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
MATH 464 [CAPS] | 3 |
STAT 447 | 3 |
Electives1 | 6 |
Exit Interview |
1 | Suggested elective courses for students pursuing Actuarial Science Option include ACCTG 230 and 231, FIN 325 and 350, and MATH 448, which provide additional background for actuarial exams. Note: A minor in Business Administration is required to take FIN 325 and 350. |
Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Option (120 Credits)
In addition to the UCORE requirements and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, a mathematics major is required to take 13 core courses and a minimum of 4 additional 300-400-level MATH courses specified by a chosen option. Options include: Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics. Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
1. Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
2. Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
3. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
4. The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
5. Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6. Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
7. Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
8. Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
9. Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
CPT S 121 | 4 |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
MATH 172 or 182 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2 or 3 |
Social Sciences [SSCI] | 3 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 273 or 283 | 2 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 315 | 3 |
MATH 398 | 1 |
STAT 360 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 4 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 420 | 3 |
Applied Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 402 [WRTG] [M] | 3 |
MATH 421 [M] | 3 |
Applied Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 6 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
Applied Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 9 |
Second Term | Credits |
MATH 402 [M] | 3 |
MATH 464 [CAPS] | 3 |
Applied Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 6 |
Exit Interview |
1 | Applied Mathematics Required Option Courses: a) MATH 364 and two of MATH 325, 416, 448, 453, 456, or 466; or b) CPT S 122, MATH 364, 448, and one of MATH 416, 440, or 466; or c) three of MATH 340, 415, 440, 448, and 486. |
Mathematics - Secondary Teaching Option with Certification (124 Credits)
Mathematics Major Core Requirements
Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
- Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
- Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
- Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
- The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
- Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
- Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
- Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
- Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
Teaching and Learning Requirements
Secondary education teacher certification requires a consultation with and advisor from the Department of Teaching and Learning for approval and sequencing of TCH LRN courses.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
MATH 172 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2 or 3 |
PSYCH 105 [SSCI] | 3 |
Foreign Language, if necessary | 0-4 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 201 [WRTG] or 301 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 273 | 2 |
MATH 325 | 3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
Foreign Language, if necessary | 0-4 |
Second Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
MATH 315 | 3 |
MATH 398 | 1 |
TCH LRN 301 | 3 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Term | Credits |
(Summer) TCH LRN 317 | 2 |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 330 | 3 |
MATH 403 | 3 |
300-400-level MATH Elective | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
MATH 320 | 3 |
STAT 360 or 443 | 3 |
300-400-level MATH Elective | 3 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
MATH 431 | 3 |
TCH LRN 464 | 3 |
TCH LRN 465 | 3 |
TCH LRN 466 | 2 |
Second Term | Credits |
ED PSYCH 468 | 3 |
MATH 432 [CAPS] | 3 |
TCH LRN 467 [M] | 3 |
TCH LRN 469 | 2 |
TCH LRN 470 | 3 |
Fifth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
TCH LRN 415 (Student Teaching) | 16 |
Exit Interview |
Mathematics - Secondary Teaching Option without Certification (120 Credits)
Mathematics Major Core Requirements
Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
- Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
- Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
- Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
- The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
- Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
- Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
- Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
- Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 172 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2 or 3 |
PSYCH 105 [SSCI] | 3 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 201 [WRTG] or 301 [WRTG] | 3 |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 273 | 2 |
MATH 325 | 3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
Second Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
MATH 315 | 3 |
MATH 398 | 1 |
Electives | 6 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 330 | 3 |
MATH 403 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if necessary, or Electives | 6 |
Second Term | Credits |
MATH 320 [M] | 3 |
STAT 360 or 443 | 3 |
300-400-level MATH Electives1 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if necessary, or Electives | 6 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
MATH 431 | 3 |
Electives | 9 |
Second Term | Credits |
MATH 432 [CAPS] | 3 |
300-400-level MATH Electives1 | 3 |
300-400-level Electives | 3 |
Electives | 6 |
Exit Interview |
1 | MATH Elective courses include any 3-credit 300-400-level MATH courses not required to fulfill a major requirement. |
Mathematics - Statistics Option (120 Credits)
Mathematics Major Core Requirements
Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
- Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
- Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
- Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
- The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
- Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
- Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
- Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
- Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Social Sciences [SSCI] | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
CPT S 121 | 4 |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
MATH 172 or 182 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2-3 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 273 or 283 | 2-3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
STAT 360 | 3 |
Electives | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
STAT 412 or 423 | 3 |
Electives | 3 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 420 | 3 |
STAT 436 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 6 |
Second Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 402 [WRTG], or [COMM] [WRTG] | 3 |
STAT 419 | 3 |
STAT Option Course1 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 6 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
MATH 416 | 3 |
STAT 443 | 3 |
STAT Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
MATH 464 [CAPS] | 3 |
STAT 456 | 3 |
STAT Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 6 |
Exit Interview |
1 | Statistics Option (9 credits) Courses must be selected from STAT 380, 410, 422, 446, 447. |
Mathematics - Theoretical Option (120 Credits)
In addition to the UCORE requirements and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, a mathematics major is required to take 13 core courses and a minimum of 4 additional 300-400-level MATH courses specified by a chosen option. Options include: Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics. Courses required for the major may not be taken pass/fail, and a 2.0 minimum GPA is required.
Admission to the Major Requirements
1. Applications for admission to the major are accepted at any time during fall and spring semesters. Decisions are made within ten working days of receipt of application. Application forms are available in the Mathematics Department office.
2. Applications are evaluated, and admission decided, by a faculty committee.
3. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
4. The mathematics core consists of MATH 171, 172, and 220. These courses (or their equivalent for transfer students) must be completed before application.
5. Students with at least a 2.5 GPA in the mathematics core will be admitted automatically. Those with less than a 2.0 GPA in the mathematics core will normally not be admitted. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6. Appeals related to admission decisions are considered by the department chairperson.
7. Students who are denied admission may reapply after completing at least 12 more credits, whereupon decisions are based on grades in mathematics, science, and computer science courses; cumulative GPA and grade patterns; and a personal interview.
8. Admitted students whose cumulative GPA or GPA in MATH courses numbered 171 and above falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or who are academically deficient, are subject to release from the major.
9. Applications for readmission are handled in the same manner as admission applications for those previously denied.
First Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Arts [ARTS] | 3 |
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab | 4 |
ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] | 3 |
MATH 171 [QUAN] | 4 |
Second Term | Credits |
CPT S 121 | 4 |
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] | 3 |
MATH 172 or 182 | 4 |
MATH 220, 225, or 230 | 2 or 3 |
Social Sciences [SSCI] | 3 |
Second Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 4 |
Humanities [HUM] | 3 |
MATH 273 or 283 | 2 |
MATH 301 | 3 |
PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] | 3 |
PHYSICS 211 [PSCI] | 1 |
Second Term | Credits |
Equity and Justice [EQJS] | 3 |
MATH 315 | 3 |
MATH 398 | 1 |
STAT 360 | 3 |
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives | 4 |
Complete Writing Portfolio | |
Third Year | |
First Term | Credits |
Diversity [DIVR] | 3 |
MATH 300 [M] | 3 |
MATH 420 | 3 |
Theoretical Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 3 |
Second Term | Credits |
ENGLISH 402 [WRTG] [M] | 3 |
MATH 421 [M] | 3 |
Theoretical Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 6 |
Fourth Year | |
First Term | Credits |
MATH 401 [M] | 3 |
Theoretical Mathematics Option Course1 | 3 |
Electives | 9 |
Second Term | Credits |
MATH 402 [M] | 3 |
MATH 464 [CAPS] | 3 |
Electives | 9 |
Exit Interview |
1 | Theoretical Mathematics Required Option Courses: Three courses from MATH 302, 325, 403, 415, 441, or 453. |
A mathematics minor requires a minimum of 19 credits including MATH 171, 172, and one of 220 or 273. An additional 9 credits from a combination of 300-400-level mathematics credits or STAT 360, 370, 423, 443, 446, and 447 must be earned in WSU courses or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. Courses required for the minor may not be taken pass/fail and a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA is required for the minor. MATH 303, 330, 351, 398, 425, and 431 do not count toward the minor.
The minor in statistics requires a minimum of 18 credits. 9 credits of upper-division work must be 300-400-level and earned in WSU courses or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. Courses required for the minor may not be taken pass/fail and a minimum 2.0 GPA is required in all courses. Required courses include STAT 360 or 370, STAT 412, 423 or 430; STAT 443, and 9 additional hours selected from STAT 410, 419, 422 (UIdaho), 428 (UIdaho), 436, 446, 447, and 456. Students majoring in mathematics under the Actuarial Sciences Option must take STAT 456.
Quantitative Biology
The certificate in Quantitative Biology requires 17 credits. Students must earn a grade of C or higher in each course and no P, F or S, F graded course work may be applied to the certificate.
- 6 credits of mathematics (MATH 172 or higher) and/or statistics (300-400-level), of which 3 credits must be taken in residence at Washington State University
- 8 credits of 300-400-level BIOLOGY courses of which 3 credits must be taken in residence at Washington State University
The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.
Mathematics (MATH)
100 Basic Mathematics 2 Course Prerequisite: A minimum ALEKS math placement score of 1%. Review of basic arithmetic and elementary algebra. No credit earned toward degree. S, F grading.
101 (Effective through Summer 2025) Intermediate Algebra 3 Fundamental algebraic operations and concepts. No credit earned toward degree.
103 Algebra Methods and Introduction to Functions 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 100 with an S, a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 40%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Fundamental algebraic operations and concepts, linear systems and inequalities, polynomial and rational functions, introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions.
103 (Effective through Summer 2025) Algebra Methods and Introduction to Functions 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 100 with an S, MATH 101 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 40%. Fundamental algebraic operations and concepts, linear systems and inequalities, polynomial and rational functions, introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions.
105 [QUAN] Exploring Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 103, or 251, each with a C or better, STAT 212 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Nature and scope of modern mathematics, and its relationships to other disciplines.
105 (Effective through Summer 2025) [QUAN] Exploring Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, 103, or 251, each with a C or better, or STAT 212 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%. Nature and scope of modern mathematics, and its relationships to other disciplines.
106 College Algebra 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 103 with a C or better, a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 70%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Graphs, properties and applications of polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions.
106 (Effective through Summer 2025) College Algebra 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a C or better, or MATH 103 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 70%. Graphs, properties and applications of polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions.
108 Trigonometry 2 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a C or better. Graphs, properties and applications of trigonometric functions.
110 Mathematics Acceleration 1 (0-3) Course Prerequisite: A minimum ALEKS math placement score of 25%. Individualized instruction on mathematical skills to enhance the mathematical background necessary for success in one of MATH 103, 106, or 171. S, F grading.
111 Mathematics Tutorial for MATH 201 1 Student-centered group tutorial focusing on skill improvement for success in MATH 201. S, F grading.
115 Math 105 Tutorial 2 Tutorial for MATH 105 focusing on concept development and mastery; skill proficiency. S, F grading.
116 Math 106 Tutorial 2 Tutorial for MATH 106 focusing on concept development and mastery; skill proficiency. S, F grading.
140 [QUAN] Calculus for Life Scientists 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a C or better and MATH 108 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Enrollment not allowed if credit already earned for MATH 171 or 202 except by department consent. Differential and integral calculus with emphasis on life science applications. By department consent, credit may be allowed for two of MATH 140, 171, or 202.
171 [QUAN] Calculus I 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a C or better and MATH 108 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 83%. Enrollment not allowed if credit already earned for MATH 140 or 202 except by department consent. Differential and integral calculus of one variable with associated analytic geometry. By department consent, credit may be allowed for two of MATH 140, 171, or 202.
172 Calculus II 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 171 with a C or better. Techniques and applications of one-variable calculus; estimations; series, derivative of a vector function. Credit not granted for both MATH 172 and 182.
182 Honors Calculus II 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 171 with a C or better. Single variable calculus, series, with emphasis on conceptual development and problem solving. Credit not granted for both MATH 172 and 182.
201 Mathematics for Business and Economics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 103 with a C or better, a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 65%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Mathematical analysis using polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; linear systems, linear programming and mathematics of finance, for business/economic applications and modeling.
201 (Effective through Summer 2025) Mathematics for Business and Economics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a C or better, MATH 103 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 65%. Mathematical analysis using polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; linear systems, linear programming and mathematics of finance, for business/economic applications and modeling.
202 [QUAN] Calculus for Business and Economics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a C or better, MATH 201 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Enrollment not allowed if credit already earned for MATH 140 or 171 except by department consent. Differential calculus of the polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; focus on unconstrained and constrained optimization, single and partial differentiation. By department consent, credit may be allowed for two of MATH 140, 171, or 202.
216 Discrete Structures 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 or 201 with a C or better, or MATH 140, 171, 202 or higher or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Discrete mathematics, trees, graphs, elementary logic, and combinatorics with application to computer science. Recommended preparation: Programming course.
220 Introductory Linear Algebra 2 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 or 201 with a C or better, or MATH 140, 171, 202 or higher or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Solving linear systems, matrices, determinants, subspaces, eigenvalues, orthogonality. Credit not granted for more than one of MATH 220, 225, and 230.
225 Linear Algebra with Modern Applications 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 or 201 with a C or better, or MATH 140, 171, 202 or higher or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Solving linear systems, matrices, determinants, subspaces, eigenvalues, orthogonality, machine learning, AI, computer graphics, and economic models. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 225, DATA 225.) Credit not granted for more than one of MATH 225, 220, and 230.
230 Honors Introductory Linear Algebra 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 106 or 201 with a C or better, or MATH 140, 171, 202 or higher or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. An introduction to linear algebra with an emphasis on conceptual development. Credit not granted for more than one of MATH 230, 220, and 225.
251 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I 3 (2-2) Course Prerequisite: MATH 103, 105, 106, or 201, each with a C or better, or STAT 212 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Comprehensive development of number systems emphasizing place-value, integers, rational numbers, and associated algorithms; methods of problem solving.
251 (Effective through Summer 2025) Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I 3 (2-2) Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, 103, 105, 106, or 201, each with a C or better, or STAT 212 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%. Comprehensive development of number systems emphasizing place-value, integers, rational numbers, and associated algorithms; methods of problem solving.
252 [QUAN] Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II 3 (2-2) Course Prerequisite: MATH 251 with a C or better. Inquiry-based approach to fundamental concepts: measurement, geometrical constructions, similarity, congruence, symmetry, probability, counting principles, measures of central tendency, and distributions. Required preparation: One year of high school geometry.
273 Calculus III 2 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 with a C or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better. Calculus of functions of several variables. Credit not granted for both MATH 273 and 283.
283 Honors Calculus III 2 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 with a B or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better. Multivariable calculus with emphasis on conceptual development and problem solving. Credit not granted for both MATH 273 and 283.
300 Mathematical Computing 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230; admitted to the major in Mathematics. Examination of some current computer software for solving mathematical problems. Recommended preparation: MATH 315.
301 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230, each with a C or better. Mathematical arguments and the writing of proofs.
302 Theory of Numbers 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 with a C or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better; MATH 301 with a C or better. Divisibility properties of integers; congruences; Diophantine equations; quadratic residues.
303 [M] Geometry for the Middle School Teacher 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 252 with a C or better. Topics in 2D and 3D geometry including technology-based reasoning and exploration, deductive arguments, transformational and proportional reasoning, and non-Euclidean geometries.
315 Differential Equations 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 273 or 283, each with a C or better; and MATH 220, 225, or 230, each with a C or better, or concurrent enrollment. Linear differential equations and systems; series, numerical and qualitative approaches; applications.
320 [M] Elementary Modern Algebra 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230, each with a C or better; MATH 301. Algebra as a deductive system; number systems; groups, rings, and fields.
325 Elementary Combinatorics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230, each with a C or better. Introduction to combinatorial theory: counting methods, binomial coefficients and identities, generating functions, occurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion methods.
330 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 or concurrent enrollment. New curricula and pedagogical techniques for secondary school mathematics.
340 Introduction to Mathematical Biology 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 140 with a C or better, or MATH 172 with a C or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better; BIOLOGY 101, BIOLOGY 102, BIOLOGY 106, or BIOLOGY 107. Mathematical biology and development of mathematical modeling for solutions to problems in the life sciences. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 340, BIOLOGY 340.)
351 Algebraic Thinking for the Middle School Teacher 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 252 with a C or better, or MATH 301 or concurrent enrollment. Algebraic reasoning, classes of functions, translation among models, analytical rule, tables of data, context and coordinate graphs.
352 Probability and Data Analysis for Middle School Teachers 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 252 with a C or better, or STAT 360 with a C or better. Probability and statistics in relation to middle school mathematics and real world problems through visualization, hands-on activities, and technology.
364 Principles of Optimization 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 202, 220, 225, or 230. Algebra of linear inequalities; duality; graphs, transport networks; linear programming; special algorithms; nonlinear programming; selected applications.
375 (Effective through Summer 2025) Vector Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315. Line integrals, gradient, curl, divergence; Stokes' theorem, potential functions.
398 Mathematical Snapshots 1 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or MATH 182. Character, life work, and historical importance of mathematicians from various eras and branches of mathematics.
401 [M] Introduction to Analysis I 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Properties of sets and sequences of real numbers; limits, continuity, differentiation and integration of functions; metric spaces.
402 [M] Introduction to Analysis II 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 401. Sequences of functions, power series, multivariable calculus, inverse and implicit function theorems, Lagrange multipliers, change of variable in multiple integrations.
403 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Geometry as a deductive system of logic; postulational systems; projective and non-Euclidian geometries.
405 Introduction to Financial Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or 182. Introduction to financial mathematics including the basics of annuities, stocks, bonds, and financial derivatives.
415 Intermediate Differential Equations 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315. Linear systems; qualitative theory (existence, uniqueness, stability, periodicity); boundary value problems; applications.
416 Numerical Simulations for Probabilistic Models 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 360; CPT S 121, CPT S 215, or MATH 300. Efficient generation of random variables; statistical analysis and validation techniques; variance reduction; Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods; applications include complex systems, financial models, and Bayesian computation. Required preparation must include probability and statistics and programming experience. Credit not granted for both MATH 416 and MATH 516. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
420 Linear Algebra 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230, each with a C or better; MATH 301 with a C or better. Vector spaces, linear transformations, diagonalizability, normal matrices, inner product spaces, orthogonality, orthogonal projections, least-squares, SVD.
421 [M] Algebraic Structures 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Properties of algebraic structures and their homomorphisms, semi-groups, groups, rings, unique factorization domains, fields.
425 (Effective through Summer 2025) Conceptual Aspects of Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: By instructor permission. Exploration of conceptual models for thinking about mathematical ideas; activities and discussions of mathematical thinking and instruction. (Crosslisted course offered as TCH LRN 425, MATH 425.)
431 [DIVR] Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
431 (Effective through Summer 2025) Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
432 [CAPS] Mathematics for College and Secondary Teachers 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better; junior standing. Pre-algebra, algebra functions and geometry examined from an advanced perspective, for secondary and lower level college teachers.
440 Applied Mathematics I: PDEs 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315. Applied partial differential equations; Fourier series; Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials as harmonics for disks and balls; Laplace, heat, and wave equations; separation of variables and D'Alambert's formula. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 440 and MATH 540. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
441 Applied Mathematics II: Complex Variables 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315. Complex numbers and complex-valued functions of one complex variable; analytic functions and Cauchy-Riemann equations; differentiation and contour integration; Cauchy integral theorem; Taylor and Laurent series; residues; conformal mapping; applications to potential theory. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 441 and MATH 541. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
448 Numerical Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315 with a C or better; one of CPT S 121, 131, or MATH 300, with a C or better. Fundamentals of numerical computation; finding zeroes of functions, approximation and interpolation; numerical integration (quadrature); numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Required preparation must include differential equations and a programming course. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 448, MATH 548, CPT S 430, CPT S 530.) Credit not granted for more than one of MATH 448/548 or CPT S 430/530. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
453 Graph Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225, or 230. Graphs and their applications, directed graphs, trees, networks, Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths, matrix representations, construction of algorithms. Required preparation must include linear algebra. Recommended preparation: MATH 301. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 453, CPT S 453.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
456 Introduction to Statistical Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 430 or 443. Sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and estimation; maximum likelihood; likelihood ratio tests; theory of least squares; nonparametrics. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT or probability course. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 456, MATH 456.) Credit not granted for more than one of STAT/MATH 456 or STAT 556. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
464 [CAPS] Linear Optimization 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 273 or MATH 283; junior standing. Linear and integer programming; optimization problems; applications to economic and military strategies; rectangular games; minimax theory. Recommended preparation: MATH 301.
466 Optimization in Networks 3 Formulation and solution of network optimization problems including shortest path, maximal flow, minimum cost flow, assignment, covering, postman, and salesman. Credit not granted for both MATH 466 and MATH 566. Required preparation must include linear programming. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 466/566, CPT S 456/556.) Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
466 (Effective through Summer 2025) Optimization in Networks 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 364. Formulation and solution of network optimization problems including shortest path, maximal flow, minimum cost flow, assignment, covering, postman, and salesman. Credit not granted for both MATH 466 and MATH 566. Required preparation must include linear programming. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
486 Mathematical Methods in Natural Sciences 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 315. Introduction to mathematical modeling of natural processes; methods include dimensional and scaling analysis, perturbation theory, field theory of continuum mechanics, calculus of variations, and Markov chains; applications to physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 486 and MATH 586. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
490 Topics in Mathematics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: By instructor permission. Special topics in mathematics.
494 Seminar in Mathematical Biology 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits. Course Prerequisite: MATH 140 with a C or better, or MATH 172 with a C or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better; BIOLOGY 101, BIOLOGY 102, BIOLOGY 106, or BIOLOGY 107. Oral presentation of research approaches, research results and literature review of mathematical biology including mathematical modeling of biological systems. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 494, BIOLOGY 494.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students. S, F grading.
497 Instructional Practicum V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: By instructor permission. S, F grading.
499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.
500 Proseminar 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 2 credits. S, F grading.
501 Real Analysis 3 Metric spaces, convergence, continuous functions, infinite series, differentiation and integration of functions of one and several variables. Required preparation must include advanced calculus or real analysis.
502 Introduction to Functional Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 501. Normed linear spaces, Banach spaces, introduction to Hilbert space, linear operators. Required preparation: Advanced linear algebra.
503 Complex Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 501. Cauchy's theorem, argument principle, maximum modulus principle, Hadamard's three circles theorem, Phragmen-Lindelof theorem, Riemann mapping theorem, Weierstrass factorization theorem, Runge's theorem, analytic continuation, Jensen's formula, Hadamard factorization theorem. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
504 Measure and Integration 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 501. Lebesque measure, Lebesque integration, differentiation, L spaces, general measure and integration, Radon-Nikodym Theorem, outer measure and product measures. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
505 Abstract Algebra 3 Field extensions, splitting fields, Galois extensions, the Galois group of a polynomial, finite fields, cyclic extensions, cyclotomic extensions, and infinite Galois extensions. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
506 Commutative Algebra 3 Rings, modules, localization, primary decomposition, integral dependence, Noetherian rings, discrete valuation rings, and Dedekind domains. Required preparation must include a course in algebraic structures. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
507 Advanced Theory of Numbers 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Analytic and algebraic number theory. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
508 (Effective through Summer 2025) Advanced Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 3 Advanced treatment of applications using techniques from fundamental analysis, convexity, analytic function theory, asymptotics, and differential equations. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
511 Advanced Linear Algebra 3 Spectral theory, Schur's theorem, normality, Jordan canonical forms, hermitian matrices, variational inequalities, matrix norms, eigenvalue localization, matrix perturbation theory. Required preparation must include second level undergraduate linear algebra. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
512 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 Existence of solutions; linear systems; qualitative behavior, especially stability; periodic solutions. Required preparation must include a year-long sequence in advanced calculus or real analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
516 Numerical Simulations for Probabilistic Models 3 Efficient generation of random variables; statistical analysis and validation techniques; variance reduction; Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods; applications include complex systems, financial models, and Bayesian computation. Required preparation must include probability and statistics and programming experience. Credit not granted for both MATH 416 and MATH 516. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
524 Algebraic Topology 3 Algebraic techniques (groups, homomorphisms, etc) to study connectivity of spaces; topics include simplicial complexes, homology, relative homology, Meyer-Vietoris sequences, categories and functors, cohomology, and duality in manifolds. Recommended preparation: real analysis and abstract algebra.
525 General Topology 3 Sets, metric spaces, topological spaces; continuous mappings, compactness, connectedness, local properties, function spaces, and fundamental groups. Required preparation must include a year-long sequence in advanced calculus or real analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
529 Computational Topology 3 Topological techniques combined with algorithms to find structure in data; simplicial complexes from point clouds, algorithms for homology and persistent homology, mapper and topological data analysis, optimal homology problems. Recommended preparation: mathematical maturity at senior undergraduate level and some experience with computer programming. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 529, CPT S 519.)
529 (Effective through Summer 2025) Computational Topology 3 Topological techniques combined with algorithms to find structure in data; simplicial complexes from point clouds, algorithms for homology and persistent homology, mapper and topological data analysis, optimal homology problems. Recommended preparation: mathematical maturity at senior undergraduate level and some experience with computer programming.
531 [DIVR] Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
531 (Effective through Summer 2025) Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
532 Advanced Mathematical Thinking 3 Course Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mathematics. Current theories about how humans learn to think mathematically at the advanced level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
533 Teaching College Mathematics and Statistics 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 3 credits. Course Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Mathematics or Statistical Science. Theory and practice of mathematics and statistics instruction at the collegiate level.
534 (Effective through Summer 2025) Theories of Learning in Mathematics 3 Math learning theories, including behaviorism, information processing, constructivism, situated cognition, communities of practice; influence on teaching and learning mathematics. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
535 (Effective through Summer 2025) Research Paradigms in Mathematics Education 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 534. Current research paradigms in math education research; critique research designs used in current mathematics education research article; design and carry out a research project. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
536 Statistical Computing 3 (2-3) Generation of random variables, Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrap and jackknife methods, EM algorithm, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Recommended preparation: STAT 530, 548, 556, or equivalent. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 536, MATH 536.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
540 Applied Mathematics I: PDEs 3 Applied partial differential equations; Fourier series; Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials as harmonics for disks and balls; Laplace, heat, and wave equations; separation of variables and D'Alambert's formula. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 440 and MATH 540. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
541 Applied Mathematics II: Complex Variables 3 Complex numbers and complex-valued functions of one complex variable; analytic functions and Cauchy-Riemann equations; differentiation and contour integration; Cauchy integral theorem; Taylor and Laurent series; residues; conformal mapping; applications to potential theory. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 441 and MATH 541. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
543 (Effective through Summer 2025) Stable Numerical Methods Using Orthogonality 3 Computational methods for stabilizing difficult and ill-posed differential and integral equations problems by using systems of functions and regularization techniques; applications to forward and inverse problems; techniques include the use of wavelets and orthogonal polynomials. Required preparation must include numerical analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
544 Advanced Matrix Computations 3 Advanced topics in the solution of linear systems, singular value decomposition, and computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Francis's algorithm). (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 544, CPT S 531.) Required preparation must include numerical analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
545 Numerical Analysis of Parabolic and Hyperbolic PDEs 3 Numerical solutions of parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations with emphasis on finite difference methods; topics include: finite difference; stability, consistency, and convergence; shocks; conservation of forms. Required preparation must include numerical analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
546 Numerical Analysis of Elliptic PDEs 3 Numerical solutions of elliptic partial differential equations with emphasis on finite element methods; finite difference; error analysis. Required preparation must include numerical analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
548 Numerical Analysis 3 Fundamentals of numerical computation; finding zeroes of functions, approximation and interpolation; numerical integration (quadrature); numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Required preparation must include differential equations and a programming course. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 448, MATH 548, CPT S 430, CPT S 530.) Credit not granted for more than one of MATH 448/548 or CPT S 430/530. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
554 Advanced Graph Theory 3 Advanced treatment of the theory of graphs including matchings, colorings, extremal graph theory, graph algorithms, algebraic and spectral methods, and random graph models. Required preparation: MATH 453 or equivalent. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 554, CPT S 554.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
555 Topics in Combinatorics 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Combinatorics, generating functions, recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion, coding theory; experimental design, graph theory. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
560 Partial Differential Equations I 3 Introduction of partial differential equations, including various classical methods to find explicit solutions for linear partial differential equations; differential tools are introduced to solve the classical Laplace equation, the heat equation and the wave equations. Recommended preparation includes an undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations and a semester of analysis or advanced calculus. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
561 Partial Differential Equations II 3 Introduces modern methods to study various problems for partial differential equations, including the well-posedness and ill-posedness, asymptotic behavior and stability of solutions, finite-time blowup, the maximum principle and the applications to nonlinear partial differential equations. Recommended preparation includes an undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations and a semester of analysis or advanced calculus. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
563 Mathematical Genetics 3 Mathematical approaches to population genetics and genome analysis; theories and statistical analyses of genetic parameters. Required preparation must include multivariate calculus, genetics, and statistics. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 563, BIOLOGY 566.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
564 Convex and Nonlinear Optimization 3 Convex sets and functions; operations preserving convexity; linear, quadratic, and conic optimization; duality theory; unconstrained smooth optimization; interior point methods. Required preparation must include advanced multivariate calculus, and a programming language. Recommended preparation: Knowledge in linear optimization and numerical linear algebra. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
565 Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization with Applications 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 564. Extended real-valued functions; continuity and convexity; subgradient, conjugate functions and optimality condition; alternating minimization; projected subgradient methods; alternating direction methods of multipliers; applications in statistical learning. Required preparation must include real analysis and command of a programming language. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
566 Optimization in Networks 3 Formulation and solution of network optimization problems including shortest path, maximal flow, minimum cost flow, assignment, covering, postman, and salesman. Credit not granted for both MATH 466 and MATH 566. Required preparation must include linear programming. (Crosslisted course offered as MATH 466/566, CPT S 456/556.) Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
566 (Effective through Summer 2025) Optimization in Networks 3 Formulation and solution of network optimization problems including shortest path, maximal flow, minimum cost flow, assignment, covering, postman, and salesman. Credit not granted for both MATH 466 and MATH 566. Required preparation must include linear programming. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
567 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization 3 Theory and applications of integer and combinatorial optimization including enumerative, cutting plane, basis reduction, relaxation and matching methods. Required preparation must include linear optimization. (Course offered as MATH 567, E E 567.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
567 (Effective through Summer 2025) Integer and Combinatorial Optimization 3 Theory and applications of integer and combinatorial optimization including enumerative, cutting plane, basis reduction, relaxation and matching methods. Required preparation must include linear optimization. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
568 Statistical Theory I 3 Probability spaces, combinatorics, multidimensional random variables, characteristic function, special distributions, limit theorems, stochastic processes, order statistics. Recommended preparation: Calculus III and one 3-credit 400-level probability course. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 548, MATH 568.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
569 Statistical Theory II 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 548 or MATH 568. Statistical inferences; estimation and testing hypotheses; regression analysis; sequential analysis and nonparametric methods. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 549, MATH 569.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
570 Continuum Mechanics 3 Unified presentation of principles common to all branches of solid and fluid mechanics; viscous fluids, elasticity, viscoelasticity, and plasticity. (Crosslisted course offered as ME 501, MATH 570.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
571 (Effective through Summer 2025) Mathematical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics II 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 570. Continuation of MATH 570. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
574 Topics in Optimization 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Advanced topics in the theory and computing methodology in optimization with emphasis on real-life algorithmic implementations. Required preparation must include advanced multivariable calculus and a programming language. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
575 Asset Pricing in Financial Engineering 3 Mathematical methods for various models on valuation of stocks and options, with rigorous mathematical analysis on pricing and hedging techniques. Recommended preparation: Advanced calculus and some knowledge on differential equations. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
576 Quantitative Risk Management 3 Fundamental concepts in modern risk theory and mathematical methods in quantitative risk management; coherent risk measures, volatility modeling, multivariate dependence analysis using copulas, risk aggregation and allocation, and extreme value theory. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
579 Mathematical Modeling in the Biological and Health Sciences 3 Techniques, theory, and current literature in mathematical modeling in the biological and health sciences, including computational simulation. (Course offered as BIOLOGY 579, MATH 579). Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
581 Topics in Mathematics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Topics in mathematics. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
583 Topics in Applied Mathematics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Topics in applied mathematics. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
585 Topics in Mathematical Biology V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Advanced topics in mathematical biology. Recommended preparation: graduate standing and an undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations such as MATH 315. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
586 Mathematical Methods in Natural Sciences 3 Introduction to mathematical modeling of natural processes; methods include dimensional and scaling analysis, perturbation theory, field theory of continuum mechanics, calculus of variations, and Markov chains; applications to physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Required preparation must include differential equations. Credit not granted for both MATH 486 and MATH 586. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
587 Topics in Algebra and Linear Algebra V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Advanced topics in algebra and linear algebra. Recommended preparation: Two semesters of linear algebra and one semester of abstract algebra.
588 Topics in Computational Math V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Advanced topics in computational mathematics. Recommended preparation: one semester of numerical analysis.
589 Topics in Analysis V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. Advanced topics in mathematical analysis. Recommended preparation: one semester of graduate analysis.
590 Topics in Mathematics Education V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Topics in mathematics education.
591 Seminar in Mathematical Biology 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Current research in mathematical biology. S, F grading.
592 Seminar in Analysis 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Current research in analysis. S, F grading.
593 Seminar in the Theory and Applications of Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, and Number Theory 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Current research in theoretical and applied aspects of discrete math, linear algebra, and number theory. S, F grading.
594 Mathematics Education Seminar 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Current research in mathematics education. S, F grading.
597 Mathematics Instruction Seminar 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Introduction to the teaching of university mathematics. S, F grading.
599 Professional Development 1 Development of application materials for jobs in academia, government, or private industry; practice interviews and oral presentations. S, F grading.
600 Special Projects or Independent Study V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent study, special projects, and/or internships. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor before enrolling in 600 credit, which cannot be used toward the core graded credits required for a graduate degree. S, F grading.
702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research in special problems, directed study, and/or examination credit for students in a non-thesis master's degree program. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 702 credit. S, U grading.
800 Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the Mathematics PhD program. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their doctoral research, dissertation and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 800 credit. S, U grading.
Statistics (STAT)
205 (Effective through Summer 2025) Statistical Thinking 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a C or better, MATH 103 with a C or better, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%. Scientific explanation; correlations and causality; presenting statistical evidence; graphical and numerical methods; chance and gambling; the bell-shaped distribution.
212 [QUAN] Introduction to Statistical Methods 4 (3-2) Course Prerequisite: MATH 103, 105, or 251, each with a C or better, or credit for MATH 106, 108, 140, 171, 201, 202, 252, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%, or transfer credit for Intermediate Algebra equivalent to MATH 101. Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics: t-tests, chi-square tests, one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression and correlation.
212 (Effective through Summer 2025) [QUAN] Introduction to Statistical Methods 4 (3-2) Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, 103, 105, or 251, each with a C or better, or credit for MATH 106, 108, 140, 171, 201, 202, 252, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 45%. Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics: t-tests, chi-square tests, one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression and correlation.
360 Probability and Statistics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 140, 171, or 202, each with a C or better, or MATH 172 or 182. Probability models, sample spaces, random variables, distributions, moments, comparative experiments, tests, correlation and regression in engineering applications. Credit not granted for both STAT 360 and 370. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 360, DATA 360.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
370 Introductory Statistics for Engineers 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 140, 171, or 202 with a C or better, or MATH 172 or 182. Probability axioms, probability models, random variables, expectation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, control charts. Credit not granted for both STAT 360 and 370.
380 [M] Decision Making and Statistics 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 360 or 370. Concepts and methods of decision science using simple mathematical, statistical and computer based tools to solve complex problems for sound decision making.
410 Topics in Probability and Statistics 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Current topics in probability and statistics of mutual interest to faculty and students. Recommended preparation: One 3-hour 300-level STAT course. Credit not granted for both STAT 410 and STAT 510. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
412 Statistical Methods in Research I 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 212, MATH 140, 171, 202, or graduate standing. Intermediate statistical methods, design and analysis of research studies: completely randomized and randomized block designs, multiple regression, categorical data analysis. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
419 Introduction to Multivariate Statistics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220 or 225; one 300-400-level STAT. Introductory course covering multidimensional data, multivariate normal distribution, principal components, factor analysis, clustering, and discriminant analysis.
422 Sampling Methods 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 212, 360, or 370. Simple and stratified random sampling; systematic sampling; cluster sampling; double sampling, area sampling. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
423 Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3 Hypothesis testing; linear, multilinear, and nonlinear regression; analysis of variance for designed experiments; quality control; statistical computing. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 300-level STAT course. Credit not granted for both STAT 423 and STAT 523. Credit not normally granted for both STAT 423 and 430. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
430 (Effective through Summer 2025) Statistical Methods in Engineering 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or 182; MATH 220. Random variables, sampling, hypothesis testing; linear, multilinear, and nonlinear regression; analysis of variance for designed experiments; statistical computing.
435 [M] Statistical Modeling for Data Analytics 3 (2-2) Course Prerequisite: STAT 360 or STAT 370, either with a C or better. Multiple linear regression with model selection, dealing with multicolinearity, assessing model assumptions, the LASSO, ridge regression, elastic nets, Loess smoothing, logistic regression, Poisson regression, and the application of the bootstrap to regression modeling. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 435, DATA 435.)
436 (Effective through Summer 2025) Statistical Computing with SAS and R 3 (2-2) Introduction to the SAS and R statistical software packages; covers data entry, variable creation, debugging, graphics, and basic statistical methods.
437 High Dimensional Data Learning and Visualization 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 435. Data visualization, metric-based clustering, probabilistic and metric-based classification, algebraic and probabilistic dimension reduction, scalable inferential methods, analysis of non-Euclidean data. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 437, DATA 437.)
443 Applied Probability 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or MATH 182; MATH 220, MATH 225, or MATH 230. Axioms of probability theory; random variables; expectation; generating function; law of large numbers; central limit theorem; Markov chains.
446 Statistical Applications in Insurance 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 443. Introduction to the application of mathematics and statistics to the insurance field with a focus on actuarial science.
447 Introduction to Time Series Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 412 or concurrent enrollment, or STAT 423 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to the analysis and application of time series including AR, MA, ARMA, and ARIMA models.
456 Introduction to Statistical Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 430 or 443. Sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and estimation; maximum likelihood; likelihood ratio tests; theory of least squares; nonparametrics. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT or probability course. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 456, MATH 456.) Credit not granted for more than one of STAT/MATH 456 or STAT 556. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
508 Environmental Spatial Statistics 3 Theoretical introduction and practical training in spatial data analysis for graduate students in the environmental sciences. Required preparation must include undergraduate statistics through applied multiple regression. (Crosslisted course offered as SOIL SCI 508, STAT 508.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
510 Topics in Probability and Statistics 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Current topics in probability and statistics of mutual interest to faculty and students. Recommended preparation: One 3-hour 300-level STAT course. Credit not granted for both STAT 410 and STAT 510. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
511 Statistical Methods for Graduate Researchers 4 (3-2) Fundamentals of experimental design and statistical methods for graduate students in the sciences. Covers t-test for one and two means, ANOVA through completely randomized designs with one and two factors, chi-square tests and regression analysis using R. Recommended preparation: One prior course in statistics. Cannot be used for credit in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics graduate programs. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 511, AFS 511.)
512 Analysis of Variance of Designed Experiments 3 (2-2) Principles of experimental design and analysis and interpretation of data. Required preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT course.
516 Time Series 3 ARIMA models; identification, estimation, diagnostics, and forecasting; seasonal adjustments, outlier detection, intervention analysis and transfer function modeling. Recommended preparation: STAT 443. (Crosslisted course offered as MGTOP 516, STAT 516.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
519 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3 Multivariate normal distribution, principal components, factor analysis, discriminant function, cluster analysis, Hotteling's T2 and MANOVA. Recommended preparation: STAT 443. (Crosslisted course offered as MGTOP 519, STAT 519.)
520 Statistical Analysis of Qualitative Data 3 Binomial, Poisson, multinomial distribution; contingency tables, Fisher's tests, log-linear models; ordinal data; applications in biology, business, psychology, and sociology. Required preparation: Linear Algebra or Calculus I; one 3-credit 400-level STAT course. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
522 Biostatistics and Statistical Epidemiology 3 Rigorous approach to biostatistical and epidemiological methods including relative risk, odds ratio, cross-over designs, survival analysis and generalized linear models. Required preparation: Linear Algebra or Calculus I; one 3-credit 400-level STAT course. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
523 Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3 Hypothesis testing; linear, multilinear, and nonlinear regression; analysis of variance for designed experiments; quality control; statistical computing. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 300-level STAT course. Credit not granted for both STAT 423 and STAT 523. Credit not normally granted for both STAT 423 and 430. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
530 Predictive Models: Foundations in Data Science 3 (2-2) Topics in regression and classification using probabilistic and data-based methods to build statistical foundations for data science; lab component allows methods to be implemented using data-based software of student choice. Required preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT course.
533 (Effective through Summer 2025) Theory of Linear Models 3 Theoretical basis of linear regression and analysis of variance models; a unified approach based upon the generalized inverse. Required preparation: Linear Algebra and one 3-hour 400-level statistics theory course. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
535 Regression Analysis 3 Conceptual development of regression; estimation, prediction, tests of hypotheses, variable selection, diagnostics, model validation, correlation, and nonlinear regression. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT course. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
536 Statistical Computing 3 (2-3) Generation of random variables, Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrap and jackknife methods, EM algorithm, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Recommended preparation: STAT 530, 548, 556, or equivalent. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 536, MATH 536.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
544 Applied Stochastic Processes 3 Foundations of continuous time stochastic processes: Kolmogorov forward/backward equations, master equation; general introduction to stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations; applications. Recommended preparation: Undergraduate ordinary differential equations. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
548 Statistical Theory I 3 Probability spaces, combinatorics, multidimensional random variables, characteristic function, special distributions, limit theorems, stochastic processes, order statistics. Recommended preparation: Calculus III and one 3-credit 400-level probability course. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 548, MATH 568.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
549 Statistical Theory II 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 548 or MATH 568. Statistical inferences; estimation and testing hypotheses; regression analysis; sequential analysis and nonparametric methods. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 549, MATH 569.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
556 Introduction to Statistical Theory 3 Sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and estimation; maximum likelihood; likelihood ratio tests; theory of least squares; nonparametrics. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level STAT or probability course. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 456, MATH 456.) Credit not granted for more than one of STAT/MATH 456 or STAT 556. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
565 (Effective through Summer 2025) Analyzing Microarray and Other Genomic Data 3 Statistical issues from pre-processing (transforming, normalizing) and analyzing genomic data (differential expression, pattern discovery and predictions). Required preparation: Linear Algebra. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
572 Quality Control 3 Simple quality assurance tools; process monitoring; Shewhart control charts; process characterization and capability; sampling inspection; factorial experiments. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level statistics or probability course.
573 Reliability 3 Probabilistic modeling and inference; product-limit estimator; probability plotting; maximum likelihood estimation with censored data; regression models for accelerated life testing. Recommended preparation: One 3-credit 400-level statistics or probability course.
574 Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Models 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 530; STAT 556. The theoretical development and application of linear and nonlinear mixed models covering the theory of linear, generalized linear, and nonlinear mixed models. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
575 The Theory of Multivariate Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 556. The theoretical development and application of multivariate statistical methods; topics include multivariate distributions, MANOVA, principal components, factor analysis and classification. Required preparation: one course in linear algebra.
576 Bayesian Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 556. Statistical principle for combing new evidence with prior beliefs, inference and simulation procedures for accommodating complex data and producing interpretable output. Recommended preparation: STAT 536.
577 Statistical Learning Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 536. Focus on learning and interpreting from data; both prediction and classification will be discussed for supervised and unsupervised learning.
590 Statistical Consulting Practicum V 1-2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Theory and practice of statistical consulting, participation in consulting session. Recommended preparation: STAT 530. S, F grading.
591 Seminar in Statistics 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. Course prerequisite: Graduate student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Current research in statistics. S, F grading.
600 Special Projects or Independent Study V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent study, special projects, and/or internships. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor before enrolling in 600 credit, which cannot be used toward the core graded credits required for a graduate degree. S, F grading.
702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research in special problems, directed study, and/or examination credit for students in a non-thesis master's degree program. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 702 credit. S, U grading.
800 Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the Statistical Science PhD program. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their doctoral research, dissertation and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 800 credit. S, U grading.
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics
- Statistics
Schedules of Studies
- Mathematics - Actuarial Science Option
- Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Option
- Mathematics - Secondary Teaching Option with Certification
- Mathematics - Secondary Teaching Option without Certification
- Mathematics - Statistics Option
- Mathematics - Theoretical Option
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Quantitative Biology