The Washington State University General Catalog

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Neill 103

Department Chair and Regents Professor, N. Dasgupta; Professors, V. K. Jandhyala, A. Khapalov, B. Krishnamoorthy, H. Li, V. S. Manoranjan, J. McDonald, C. Moore, A. Panchenko, L. Schreyer, E. Schwartz, D. B. Slavit, M. Tsatsomeros, H. Yin; Associate Professors, T. Asaki, X. Chen, A. Dimitrov, M. G. Hudelson, S. Liu, N. Strigul, K. Vixie, N. Voulgarakis, Y. Wang, X. Wang, A. Wilhelm; Assistant Professors, C. Cai, D. DeFord, A. Kaul; Adjunct Professors, K. D. Cooper, K. DeBower (VAN), M. Dunaway (VAN), O. Ramyantseva (VAN), M. Fong Wilson (VAN); Scholarly Professors, H. D. Johnson, S. Lapin; Scholarly Associate Professors, R. Learn (TC), J. Martin, E. K. Sablan; Scholarly Assistant Professors, A. Cortez, T. Dejong, D. Reiss; Teaching Professors, P. Krouss, L. R. Sotomayor, Teaching Associate Professors, C. Jacobs, E. Remaley, S. Selmi (TC), D. Zhang; Teaching Assistant Professors, J. Eld, F. McGrade, D. Mitchell, M. Morgan, P. Moyo, G. Nurmakhametov (EVRT), L. Oliver, C. Sakabe, J. Sung (VAN), X. Wen; Lecturers, B. Emehiser, D. Nichols, E. Sawyer, M. Sivakumaran; Professors Emeriti, J. R. Alldredge, K. S. Cooper, D. W. DeTemple, R. H. Dillon, M. Evans, A. C. Genz, M. A. Jacroux, R. A. Johnson, M. J. Kallaher, D. C. Kent, L. Knott, R. Mifflin, C. B. Millham, F. G. Pascual S. C. Saunders, M. F. Schumaker, K. Vincent, D. S. Watkins, W. A. Webb, H. C. Wiser, D. J. Wollkind.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers courses of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with options to emphasize in 6 areas (denoted options), a Bachelor of Science in Data Analytics, a MS in Mathematics with two options, MS in Statistics, a Ph.D. in Mathematics with three options, a Ph.D. in Statistical Science, an Undergraduate Certificate in Quantitative Biology, a Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, an Undergraduate Minor in Mathematics, an Undergraduate Minor in Statistics, and a Graduate Minor in Statistics.  The flexibility of the degrees allow students to get experience in diverse areas such as, statistics and data analytics, math and computer programming, statistics and economics, math and biology, etc.

Undergraduate training for mathematics majors is provided at WSU in the following six options: actuarial science, applied mathematics, secondary mathematics teaching with certification, secondary mathematics teaching without certification, theoretical mathematics, and statistics.  The options prepare students for careers related to their fields of interest. The mathematics major also prepares students for graduate study in such fields as business, economics, management science and computer science, as well as mathematics and statistics. Talented undergraduate majors in mathematics are given individual and small group instruction outside of class, sometimes resulting in research publications.  A transdisciplinary undergraduate degree in data analytics - a multi-disciplinary field of study comprising mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, and the study of data itself - is also available. See for more details on this program.

In addition, an undergraduate certificate in Quantitative Biology is available.  Students not seeking undergraduate degrees in Mathematics or Statistics may also pursue a Minor in Mathematics and/or a Minor in Statistics.

We expect that students graduating with a mathematics degree will be able to: 1) use their mathematics and statistics skills within the context of a strong, fundamental general education, 2) use the fundamentals of the life and physical sciences, 3) apply a fundamental knowledge and practical understanding of mathematics and statistics, 4) continue learning in both traditional and non-traditional educational settings, and 5) communicate effectively.

All students who enroll in mathematics courses are responsible for satisfying the necessary prerequisite(s).  With only a few exceptions, WSU undergraduate students are required to take the WSU Math Placement Assessment prior to enrolling in their first college-level mathematics course.  See placement for more information.

At the graduate level, diverse research interests within our department expose students to multiple disciplines, and students often combine multiple areas into unique research projects. A PhD student has four choices: a PhD in Mathematics, PhD in Mathematics-Applied Mathematics option, a PhD in Mathematics with an Education Emphasis, or a PhD in Statistical Science. The first involves doing mathematical research, the Applied Mathematics option focuses on applied mathematical research, the Education Emphasis option involves research on the teaching and learning of mathematics, and the Statistics option involves statistical research. At the masters level the department offers the following degrees: a MS in Mathematics, MS in Mathematics–Applied Mathematics Option, MS Mathematics – Teaching Option, and a MS in Statistics. In addition, a graduate certificate in Teaching College Mathematics is available; and for students seeking a PhD in another field at WSU, a minor in Statistics is also available.

Preparation for Graduate Study

As preparation for work toward an advanced degree in mathematics or statistics, a student should have completed the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field. Opportunities are provided for removing deficiencies through the taking of appropriate courses. Students who contemplate undertaking studies leading to a doctoral degree should contact the Graduate Coordinator ( for advice and assistance in the development of their plans.

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