The Washington State University General Catalog

Courses with the MUS Subject

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Music (MUS)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

102 Piano 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

103 Voice 2 (0-6)

120 [ARTS] Class Guitar 3 Class instruction on basic guitar; repertoire will be selected from classical, jazz, rock, pop, fusion, and world music.

151 Music Fundamentals I 3 Notation and performance of music fundamentals: pitch, rhythm, scales, key signatures, and intervals.

152 Music Fundamentals II 3 Notation and performance of music fundamentals: melody, rhythm, scales, intervals, key signatures, triads; preparatory for MUS 251.

153 [ARTS] Understanding Music 3 Introduction to understanding music from aesthetic, cultural, and historical perspectives; music ranging from the earliest folk and art music traditions to modern popular music and beyond is listened to and discussed, all from a global perspective.

160 [ARTS] Survey of Music Literature 3 Exploration of predominantly western music through demonstrations, performances, lectures, concerts, and discussions.

163 [ARTS] World Music 3 Exploration of music from a global perspective through demonstrations, performances, lectures and discussion.

164 Introduction to Music Technology 1 Course Prerequisite: MUS 151 or 251, or concurrent enrollment in either. Music notation software, audio recording and editing, and music specific web design.

181 Class Piano I 1 (0-3) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 2 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Pedal, sight reading, transposition, playing by ear, chord progressions, melody harmonization and improvisation.

182 Class Piano II 1 (0-3) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 2 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 181. Scales, arpeggios, blocked and broken chords; repertoire to complement individual skills, theoretical knowledge and improvisation.

190 Introduction to Music Education 3 Introductory course for principles and practices fundamental to music learning and teaching, as well as analysis of the connections among learning theories, human development theories, and educational practice in today's music PK-12 classrooms.

190 (Effective through Fall 2025) Foundations of Music Education 1 Methods and materials for becoming an effective music educator; includes observations and classroom teaching.

201 Organ 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit. By audition only.

202 Piano 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit. By audition only.

203 Voice 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit. Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 431, 432, 433, 428 or 439.

204 Horn 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

205 Trumpet 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

206 Trombone 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

207 Euphonium 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

208 Tuba 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

209 Percussion 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

210 Violin 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

211 Viola 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

212 Violoncello 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

213 Contrabass 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

214 Flute 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

215 Oboe 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

216 Clarinet 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

217 Bassoon 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

218 Saxophone 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit.

220 Guitar 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: MUS 120. Reading and interpreting music on the guitar.

241 Survey of the Entertainment Industry 3 Exploration of the complex and changing world of the entertainment industry including contracts and negotiations, professional organizations and networks, and industry standards.

242 Fundamentals of Music Entrepreneurship 2 Techniques of self-promotion, including social media, web design, and marketing for the creative product.

251 Materials and Structures of Music I 3 An examination of the fundamentals of music theory; pitch, rhythm, scales, intervals, and chords.

252 Applied Theory I 1 (0-3) By examination. Ear training, conducting, rhythmic reading, sight singing, keyboard, dictation.

253 Materials and Structures of Music II 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 251 with a C or better; MUS 252. Analysis and composition of diatonic and initial chromatic harmony, figured bass, two-voice counterpoint, and phrase structure.

254 Applied Theory II 1 (0-3) Course Prerequisite: MUS 251 with a C or better; MUS 252 with a C or better. Ear training, sight singing, keyboard.

256 Music Composition 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 251 or concurrent enrollment. By Interview Only. Original writings in small forms.

257 Applied Jazz Theory and Improvisation I 2 (0-6) Course Prerequisite: MUS 251 with a C or better; MUS 252 with a C or better. Applied study of fundamental jazz theory and improvisation concepts including rhythms, four-part chords, modes of the major scale, ii-V7-I progression, harmonic minor scale, guidetones, 12-bar blues form, and blues scales.

258 Applied Jazz Theory and Improvisation II 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 257 with a C or better. Applied study of intermediate jazz theory and improvisation concepts including five-part chords, modes of melodic minor scale, chord-scale theory, idiomatic jazz progressions, voice-leading, rhythm changes, bebop blues, and bebop scales.

262 [ARTS] Rock Music: History and Social Analysis 3 History and analysis of rock music related to its African American origins, its societal role, and its diverse development and impact.

263 [DIVR] Rags to Rhinestones: A History of Country Music 3 History of Country Music from its humble roots in Appalachian folk music, Black American spirituals, the blues, and other immigrated cultural traditions to the modern age of Country musicians selling out arenas all over the world.

264 Music Technology I 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 164. MIDI hardware/software and related technologies used in music production. Sequencing, orchestration, virtual instruments, sample control, interactivity, performance.

265 [HUM] Native Music of North America 3 Music and ceremonialism as a reflection of realities in North American native cultures, past and present. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 265, CES 271.)

266 [ARTS] Film Music 3 The evolution of film music; discussions/lectures will address aesthetics of film music and how they influence perception, communication, and drama.

267 [EQJS] Black American Music: Roots to Fruit 3 A critical survey of key musical and societal forces contributing to today's African American musicscape; listening, analysis, and critique.

281 Class Piano III 1 (0-3) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 2 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 182. Principles, functional keyboard and improvisation.

282 Class Piano IV 1 (0-3) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 2 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 281 or Piano Proficiency Exam. Advanced skills, particularly for music education majors; score reading, transposition, sight-reading, and reduction of scores; ensemble skills.

301 Organ V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

302 Piano V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

303 Voice V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 431 or 432.

304 Horn V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

305 Trumpet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

306 Trombone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

307 Euphonium V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

308 Tuba V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

309 Percussion V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

310 Violin V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

311 Viola V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

312 Violoncello V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

313 Contrabass V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

314 Flute V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

315 Oboe V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

316 Clarinet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

317 Bassoon V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

318 Saxophone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

319 Secondary Performance Study 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 16 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Instruction on instruments or voice other than major performing medium.

320 Guitar V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Guitar.

351 Materials and Structures of Music III 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 253 with a C or better; MUS 254 with a C or better. Voice leading and analysis of functional chromatic harmony, harmonic language and compositional styles of the 20th/21st century.

352 Applied Theory III 1 (0-3) Course Prerequisite: MUS 164 with a C or better; MUS 253 with a C or better; MUS 254 with a C or better. Continued musical development in ear training, sight singing, applied theory, keyboard dictation.

353 Materials and Structures of Music IV 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 351 with a C or better; MUS 352 with a C or better. A study of common large forms in the 17th, 18th, and 19th century.

354 Applied Theory IV 1 (0-3) Course Prerequisite: MUS 351 with a C or better; MUS 352 with a C or better. Continued development in ear training, sight singing, keyboard and dictation, emphasizing 20th century music.

359 [HUM] [M] History of Music: Antiquity to 1650 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 251 with a C or better; MUS 252 with a C or better; ENGLISH 101 with a C or better. History and style of western art music from Antiquity to 1650; introduction to and selected topics in ethnomusicology.

360 [HUM] [M] History of Music: 1650 - 1850 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 359 with a C or better. History and style of western art music from 1650 to 1850; selected topics in ethnomusicology.

361 [HUM] Music and Social Justice 3 A critical investigation of music's role in social justice issues and the influence of social justice issues on the education and creative output of musicians.

362 [DIVR] History of Jazz 3 History of jazz in chronological sequence; social and political contexts of the African-American origins of jazz; stylistic developments.

363 [DIVR] Women in Music 3 Intersections of gender, class, race, and culture with popular and country music. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 363, WGSS 363.)

364 Audio Engineering I 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 164. Software, equipment, and techniques used in studio recording and live sound reinforcement; includes both theoretical foundations and practical application.

366 [DIVR] LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Music 3 Exploration of music through the lens of LGBTQ+ representation as a way of examining the personal and social struggles the community has endured for decades. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 366, WGSS 366.)

371 Diction for Singers I 2 Italian and English; International Phonetic Alphabet; fundamental diction principles, applied to each language and oriented to needs of the singer.

372 Diction for Singers II 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 371. French and German; International Phonetic Alphabet; fundamental diction principles, applied to each language and oriented to needs of the singer.

388 Music for the Classroom Teacher 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 153; admitted to the major in Elementary Education. Singing, movement, listening and instrumental methods/resources for K-8 grades.

401 Organ V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

402 Piano V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

403 Voice V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 431 or 432.

404 Horn V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

405 Trumpet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

406 Trombone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

407 Euphonium V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

408 Tuba V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

409 Percussion V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

410 Violin V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

411 Viola V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

412 Violoncello V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

413 Contrabass V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

414 Flute V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

415 Oboe V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

416 Clarinet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

417 Bassoon V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

418 Saxophone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

420 Guitar V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

428 [ARTS] Opera/Musical Theatre 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performance may be required. Credit not granted for both MUS 428 and MUS 528. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

429 [ARTS] Tenor/Bass Choir 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Vocal ensemble whose membership sings tenor or bass; no audition required; all students welcome; placement assessments will be administered first week of classes.

430 [ARTS] Treble Choir 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Vocal ensemble whose membership sings soprano or alto; no audition required; all students welcome; placement assessments will be administered first week of classes.

431 [ARTS] Concert Choir 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Auditioned choral ensemble studying and performing global music of varying cultures, language, period, style, and tradition. Credit not granted for both MUS 431 and MUS 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

432 [ARTS] University Singers 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Public performance may be required. Non-auditioned choir consisting of 70+ singers. The majority of this group is made up of non-music majors.

433 [ARTS] Chamber Singers 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Study, rehearse, perform, and review original works and transcriptions for symphony orchestra; public performance each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 433 and MUS 533. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

434 [ARTS] Symphony Orchestra 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Study, rehearse, perform and review original works and transcriptions for symphony orchestra; public performance each semester. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

435 Chamber Ensembles 1 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performance may be required. Credit not granted for both MUS 435 and MUS 535. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

436 [ARTS] Symphonic Band 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Large ensemble performance of repertoire for band. Public performances.

437 [ARTS] Symphonic Wind Ensemble 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Large ensemble; public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 437 and MUS 537. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

438 [ARTS] Jazz-Lab Band 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Jazz big band. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 438 and MUS 538. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

439 Vocal Jazz Ensemble 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. The majority of this group is made up of non-music majors. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 439 and MUS 539. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

440 Jazz Combos 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 440 and MUS 540. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

441 Collaborative Piano 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

444 Marching Band/Varsity Band 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit.

451 Seminar in Counterpoint 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 351 or concurrent enrollment. Contrapuntal techniques of the 16th and 18th century with original stylistic writing.

452 Electronic Music Techniques 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 164. Composition and performance using computer-controlled digital, analog, and sampling synthesis; topics include sequencing, waveform editing, signal processing, spatialization, and performance.

455 Seminar in Instrumentation 2 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: MUS 351 or concurrent enrollment. Scoring for various instrumental combinations.

456 Music Composition 4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: MUS 351. By Interview Only. Original writing in small and large forms (traditional and experimental).

457 Seminar in Jazz Arranging/Composition 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 257. Arranging and composing for instrumental jazz ensembles.

458 Applied Jazz Theory and Improvisation III 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 258 with a C or better. Applied study of advanced jazz theory and improvisation concepts including pentatonic scales, Coltrane changes, whole-tone scales, octatonic scales, upper structure triads, triad pairs, intervallic improvisation, and reharmonization techniques.

459 Seminar in Advanced Jazz Composition V 1 (0-2) to 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 457. Creation of works for Jazz Ensembles. Credit not granted for both MUS 459 and MUS 559. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

461 [CAPS] The Musician in Society: Philosophies and Practices, 1850 - Present 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 360 with a C or better; admitted to the major in Music; junior standing. History and style of western art music from the late romantic period to the present, combining theories of history, theory, ethnomusicology, performance, pedagogy, and advocacy.

464 Audio Engineering II 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 364. Continued training in software, equipment, and techniques used in studio recording and live sound reinforcement; theory and practical application.

465 Seminar in Major Performance Literature 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Survey/performance of solo and chamber literature for voice, keyboard, strings, winds, brass, percussion.

470 Marketing and Promotion for the Performing Arts 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: DTC 201; DTC 354; MUS 241; MUS 242. Practice components and techniques used in the marketing and promotion of the performing arts and the entrepreneurship industry.

471 Music Business Internship V 3-6 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: MUS 470 or concurrent enrollment. Monitored and evaluated professional work experience in the music business field such as music publishing, artist management, concert promotion, music marketing, and other music entrepreneurship works.

480 Instrumental Music Education 3 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the major in Music. Philosophies, administration, organization, materials and methods for instrumental music education K-12. Credit not granted for both MUS 480 and MUS 580. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

482 Instrumental Conducting 1 (0-3) Techniques and patterns in conducting as applied to orchestra and band literature; score preparation and rehearsal techniques for instrumental ensembles.

483 Choral Conducting 1 (0-3) Techniques and patterns in conducting as applied to choral literature; score preparation and rehearsal techniques for choral ensembles.

484 Woodwind Techniques I 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190 if enrolled as music education major. Performance and pedagogy of woodwind instruments for music educators.

485 Woodwind Techniques II 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190. Second level of performance and pedagogy of woodwind instruments for music educators.

486 String Techniques I 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190 if enrolled as music education major. Performance and pedagogy of string instruments for music educators.

487 String Techniques II 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190; MUS 486. Second level of performance and pedagogy of string instruments for music educators.

488 Choral Methods and Materials I 2 (0-6) Preparation in the administration of choral programs from auditions to the selection and rehearsal of choral literature. Credit not granted for both MUS 488 and MUS 588. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

489 Choral Methods and Materials II 2 Development of skills in choral arranging, curriculum construction, research, and job placement. Credit not granted for both MUS 489 and MUS 589. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

490 General Music Material/Methods 3 Course Prerequisite: MUS 491. Materials and methods for general music education majors; multiculturalism, collaboration, developmental curriculum and research issues; addressing national standards; observations. Credit not granted for both MUS 490 and MUS 590. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

491 Voice Pedagogy 2 (1-3) Anatomy of the singing process; methodology of teaching voices in various learning and teaching styles. Credit not granted for both MUS 491 and MUS 591. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

492 Brass Techniques I 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190 if enrolled as music education major. Performance and pedagogy of brass instruments for music educators.

493 Brass Techniques II 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190; MUS 492. Second level of performance and pedagogy of brass instruments for music educators.

494 Percussion Techniques I 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190 if enrolled as music education major. Performance and pedagogy of percussion instruments for music educators.

495 Percussion Techniques II 1 (0-2) Course Prerequisite: MUS 190; MUS 494. Second level of performance and pedagogy of percussion instruments for music educators.

496 Topics in Music V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Advanced seminar with required projects in music history, literature, pedagogy, theory, composition or performance.

497 Directed Student Teaching in Music V 4-16 Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Supervised teaching in public schools, including seminars reflecting on effective teaching. S, F grading.

498 Piano Pedagogy Practicum 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: MUS 202, 302, or 402. Supervised teaching in Piano Preparatory Lab School, including lesson planning and meetings with coordinator for critiques and suggestions. S, F grading.

499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.

501 Organ V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

502 Piano V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

503 Voice V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 431 or 432.

504 Horn V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

505 Trumpet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

506 Trombone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

507 Euphonium V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

508 Tuba V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

509 Percussion V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

510 Violin V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

511 Viola V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

512 Violoncello V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

513 Contrabass V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

514 Flute V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

515 Oboe V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

516 Clarinet V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

517 Bassoon V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

518 Saxophone V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

519 Secondary Performance Study V 1-2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: By permission only. Instruction on instruments or voice other than major performing medium.

520 Guitar V 2 (0-6) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit.

522 Graduate Recital 2 Private screening and public performance as required within each performance emphasis.

528 [ARTS] Opera/Musical Theatre 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performance may be required. Credit not granted for both MUS 428 and MUS 528. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

531 [ARTS] Concert Choir 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Auditioned choral ensemble studying and performing global music of varying cultures, language, period, style, and tradition. Credit not granted for both MUS 431 and MUS 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

533 [ARTS] Chamber Singers 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Study, rehearse, perform, and review original works and transcriptions for symphony orchestra; public performance each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 433 and MUS 533. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

534 [ARTS] Symphony Orchestra 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Study, rehearse, perform and review original works and transcriptions for symphony orchestra; public performance each semester. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

535 Chamber Ensembles 1 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performance may be required. Credit not granted for both MUS 435 and MUS 535. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

537 [ARTS] Symphonic Wind Ensemble 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Large ensemble; public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 437 and MUS 537. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

538 [ARTS] Jazz-Lab Band 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Jazz big band. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 438 and MUS 538. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

539 Vocal Jazz Ensemble 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. The majority of this group is made up of non-music majors. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 439 and MUS 539. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

540 Jazz Combos 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 8 credits. Course Prerequisite: By audition only; see for details. Public performances each semester. Credit not granted for both MUS 440 and MUS 540. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

541 Collaborative Piano 1 (0-4) May be repeated for credit. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

550 Seminar in Analysis 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits. Applications of analytical techniques to develop a basis for musical understanding and interpretation.

553 Seminar in Music Theory 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 4 credits.

556 Music Composition V 2 (1-2) to 3 (1-4) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 10 credits. The creation of works for either traditional acoustic ensembles or electro-acoustic media.

559 Seminar in Advanced Jazz Composition V 1 (0-2) to 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Creation of works for Jazz Ensembles. Credit not granted for both MUS 459 and MUS 559. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

560 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Music 2 Required of all graduate students in music. Basic bibliographic and research techniques; written presentations related to area of emphasis.

561 Seminar in Literature of 20th and 21st Century Music 2 Impressionism, expressionism, neoclassicism, neoromanticism, jazz and recent electronic music.

562 Seminar in Major Ensemble Literature 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Ensemble literature for symphony orchestra, band, choral, or jazz ensembles.

563 Seminar in Literature of the Classical/Romantic Eras 2 Examination of art music from the Classical and Romantic periods.

566 Seminar in Literature of the Baroque Era 2 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Examination of art music from 1550-1750.

575 Advanced Conducting V 2-3 May be repeated for credit. Rehearsing orchestras, bands, and choruses. Public performance may be required.

580 Instrumental Music Education 3 Philosophies, administration, organization, materials and methods for instrumental music education K-12. Credit not granted for both MUS 480 and MUS 580. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

581 Foundations of Music Education 2 An examination of the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations of music education in the United States.

586 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy 2 Course Prerequisite: MUS 502. Materials and methods of teaching experiences.

588 Choral Methods and Materials I 2 (0-6) Preparation in the administration of choral programs from auditions to the selection and rehearsal of choral literature. Credit not granted for both MUS 488 and MUS 588. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

589 Choral Methods and Materials II 2 Development of skills in choral arranging, curriculum construction, research, and job placement. Credit not granted for both MUS 489 and MUS 589. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

590 General Music Material/Methods 3 Materials and methods for general music education majors; multiculturalism, collaboration, developmental curriculum and research issues; addressing national standards; observations. Credit not granted for both MUS 490 and MUS 590. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

591 Voice Pedagogy 2 (1-3) Anatomy of the singing process; methodology of teaching voices in various learning and teaching styles. Credit not granted for both MUS 491 and MUS 591. Offered at 400 and 500 level.

596 Topics in Music V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: By permission only.

597 Performance Studies for Distance Learners 2 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the Online Masters of Arts in Music program; graduate advisor permission; instructor permission. Participation in video conference-based lessons or completion of performance-based projects, i.e., a recording project or concert presented in the online student's home community submitted as a video/audio recording.

600 Special Projects or Independent Study V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent study, special projects, and/or internships. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor before enrolling in 600 credit, which cannot be used toward the core graded credits required for a graduate degree. S, F grading.

700 Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their master's research, thesis and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 700 credit. S, U grading.

702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research in special problems, directed study, and/or examination credit for students in a non-thesis master's degree program. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 702 credit. S, U grading.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
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