The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.
Agricultural And Food Systems (AFS)
101 Introduction to Agricultural and Food Systems 1 For new undergraduate agricultural and plant sciences majors; an introduction to advising, student success resources, academic skills, goal setting, development of graduation plans, and exploration of professional pathways.
101 (Effective through Summer 2025) Introduction to Agricultural and Food Systems 3 Introduction to the disciplines and integration of the fields of agriculture, food production, manufacturing and distribution to define and solve real-world problems.
102 Professional Development in the Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences 1 Professional skill development with an emphasis on behavior, goal setting, internship selection, and building a portfolio.
103 Field Experience in Agricultural and Food Systems 1 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Professional development with hands on experience through interactive class sessions and field trips with faculty and external partners. Two field trips required.
201 Systems Skills for Agricultural and Food Systems 3 Introduction to the foundational concepts and vocabulary of food systems, building skills and critical systems thinking.
250 Civic Engagement in Sustainable Food Systems 2 Introduction to sustainable food systems through lecture, discussion, and engagement. Spring Break field trip required.
302 [M] Introduction to Agroecology 3 Agroecological crop production through case study analyses and applications of ecological principles in traditional and modern farming systems. Recommended preparation: SOIL SCI 201. (Crosslisted course offered as SOIL SCI 302, AFS 302.)
336 [SSCI] Agriculture, Environment, and Community 3 Course Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Sociological perspectives on major agrifood trends, alternative agrifood movements, and impacts on human communities and the natural environment.
350 Food Systems in Western Washington 3 Course Prerequisite: CROP SCI/HORT 102; ECONS 101; SOIL SCI 201. Introduction to local and regional food systems unique to western Washington with an emphasis on the farm-to-table processes of foods and beverages. (Course offered as HORT 350, AFS 350).
401 [CAPS] [M] Advanced Systems Analysis and Design in Agricultural and Food Systems 3 Course Prerequisite: AFS 201; junior standing. Problem solving methodologies as applied to integrated agricultural systems analysis and design problems; strong emphasis on teamwork.
418 Soil Health and Regenerative Agriculture 2 Expert guest seminars and group discussions explore concepts in soil health and regenerative agriculture from microscale mechanisms to policies and practices for improving the food system. Recommended preparation: SOIL SCI 201.
435 Leadership for Agriculture and Natural Resources Professionals 2 Exploration of skills, goals, philosophies, and other qualities of leadership related to agriculture and natural resources in Washington state.
445 Field Analysis of Sustainable Food Systems 3 Course Prerequisite: By instructor permission. Experiential course visiting farms, food processing and marketing sites to develop understanding of issues in food systems sustainability. Field trip required. Credit not granted for both AFS 445 and 545. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
483 Special Topics in Study Abroad V 2-6 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Interdisciplinary course that integrates experiential learning activities in agricultural food systems in an international context.
501 Current Research in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture 3 Multidisciplinary framework to assess the sustainability of a range of farming and food systems.
505 Topics in Computational and Analytical Methods for Scientists V 1-6 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Applied computational methods for researchers processing, managing, and analyzing data in scientific and engineering fields.
511 Statistical Methods for Graduate Researchers 4 (3-2) Fundamentals of experimental design and statistical methods for graduate students in the sciences. Covers t-test for one and two means, ANOVA through completely randomized designs with one and two factors, chi-square tests and regression analysis using R. Recommended preparation: One prior course in statistics. Cannot be used for credit in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics graduate programs. (Crosslisted course offered as STAT 511, AFS 511.)
545 Field Analysis of Sustainable Food Systems 3 Experiential course visiting farms, food processing and marketing sites to develop understanding of issues in food systems sustainability. Field trip required. Credit not granted for both AFS 445 and 545. Offered at 400 and 500 level.
590 Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems 3 Theories, concepts, debates, and methods associated with the sociology of agriculture and food systems. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.