The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
Exhibition Studies
Exhibition Studies is an interdisciplinary minor designed to facilitate successful career options of museum, gallery, collections management and /or cultural institution professions. The minor requires 18 credits of coursework including 9 credits of 300-400 level coursework earned in WSU courses or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. A grade of C or higher must be earned in all courses used to fulfill minor requirements. Required courses include 2 core courses (6 credits) selected from ART 103, 201, 490 (3 credits with the Museum of Art/WSU, departmental approval required), and HISTORY 427. An additional 2 courses (6 credits) must be selected from ANTH 201, 430; I D 205, and SOC 373. The remaining 6 credits of electives must selected from the following approved courses: AMDT 308; AMER ST/DTC/ENGLISH 475; ANTH 201, 350, 430; ARCH 456; ART 102, 103, 201, 301, 303, 304, 307, 333, 381, 385, 405, 434, 435; COM 101, 105, 471; DTC/ENGLISH 336; FOR LANG 350; HISTORY 400, 427; ID 205, 305, 312; LND ARCH 327; MGMT 401; SDC 250, 350; SOC 373, 430; SOIL SCI 201, 202; TCH LRN 480. ANTH 498; ART 490, 495; HISTORY 498, and SOIL SCI 498 and other courses may be used towards the elective coursework requirement if approved by the Department of Art.