The Washington State University Vancouver Catalog

Political Science

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Political Science
Science & Engineering Building (VSCI), Room 130

Academic Director, Professor P. Narayanan; Associate Professor and Program Leader, A. Lopez; Associate Professors M. Stephan, P. Thiers

The political science program allows students to shape their academic careers in line with professional and personal interests. The curriculum is designed for students who desire a broad education on our political system, or a career in government, law, international affairs, or business.

Participation in the program involves studying such topics as public law, public policy and administration, and comparative and international politics. In addition to academic course work, the political science program offers internships in many government agencies.

The program in political science may be taken as either a primary or secondary concentration within the Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences degree program, as a secondary concentration for a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, or as a formal minor for students majoring in other areas.

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