The Washington State University Vancouver Catalog

Creative Media and Digital Culture (Vancouver only)

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

WARNING: The following requirements are outdated. Please click the appropriate link under the "Schedule of Studies" heading on the right side of this page to view the current requirements. If a link does not appear, the program may no longer be available. You can find past requirements under the appropriate archived catalog.

Creative Media and Digital Culture (Vancouver only) (120 Credits)

This option is for students who want careers in web design and development; game studies and design; 2 and 3D animation; digital publishing, social media, and SEO strategy; or physical computing, including virtual and augmented reality. Students graduate with a deep knowledge of the theories relating to digital technologies, as well as strong essential skills like written and oral communication, teamwork, project management, and ethics. In addition to the learning outcomes for the DTC department, upon graduation, students in the Creative Media and Digital Culture option will also be able to:

1) Recognize various forms of language processing and their implications for media authoring;

2) Know the basics of information architecture and knowledge management along with ways digital information can be structured for retrieval and archival purposes for different audiences; and

3) Synthesize media forms for multimedia contexts.

This option is available on the Vancouver campus. A student may be admitted to the DTC – Creative Media and Digital Culture Option upon making their intention known to the department. This option requires 42 credits of major-specific course work.
First Year
First TermCredits
Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG]3
Humanities [HUM]3
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,26
Second TermCredits
DTC 101 [ARTS]3
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,26
Quantitative Reasoning [QUAN]3
Second Year
First TermCredits
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab34
DTC 2013
Social Sciences [SSCI]3
Second TermCredits
DTC 3363
Physical Sciences [PSCI] with lab34
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
DTC 3553
DTC 356 [M]3
Equity and Justice [EQJS]3
Approved Non-DTC Upper-Division Courses46
Second TermCredits
Diversity [DIVR]3
DTC 375 [M]3
DTC Electives56
Approved Non-DTC Upper-Division Course43
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
DTC Electives56
Second TermCredits
DTC 497 [CAPS]3

1Two years of high school foreign language or at least two semesters of college-level foreign language are required by the College of Arts and Sciences for graduation.
2Electives must include sufficient 300-400-level coursework to meet the University requirement of 40 credits of upper-division coursework.
3To meet College of Arts and Sciences requirements, students must complete 1 additional lab credit of [BSCI] or [PSCI] for a total of 8 credits (2 labs).
4Approved Non-DTC Upper-Division Courses (9 credits): Any 300-400 level courses outside of DTC approved by the DTC advisor or a faculty member. These courses are meant to expand a student’s interdisciplinary perspective on media, technology, and culture.
5DTC Electives (12 credits): Any DTC course not included in the degree requirements, except for DTC 498 and DTC 499, is eligible to be a DTC elective.

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