The Washington State University Vancouver Catalog

Courses with the MKTG Subject

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Marketing (MKTG)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 


No letter-graded course offered by the Carson College of Business may be taken for a Pass, Fail (P, F) grade.

279 Professional Persuasive Communications 3 Basic psychological principles of influence and the development of persuasive professional communication skills for career advancement and as life skills.

360 Marketing 3 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, major in Data Analytics, or junior standing. An introduction to the marketing process and the strategic managerial decisions that are made with regard to product, price, promotion, and distribution. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

368 Marketing Research 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or major in Data Analytics. Use of secondary and primary data to facilitate marketing managers' decision-making capabilities; applied marketing research techniques including focus groups, surveys, experiments and statistical analyses; preparation of marketing research reports. Typically offered Spring.

379 Professional Sales 3 Theory, principles, and practices of professional sales with special attention to the business-to-business market. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

407 Consumer Behavior 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or major in Economic Sciences. Investigation of social processes affecting consumer decision-making and behavior; models of consumer behavior are covered, as are the psychological phenomena of learning, motivation, and attitude development, and the sociological influences of social class, reference groups and culture. Typically offered Fall.

450 Digital Marketing 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or Professional Sales certificate. Understanding and implementing marketing theory and analytics on social media and in online environments.

461 [M] Product Management 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business. Management of existing products and product lines, and design, development, pricing and marketing of new products in the firm.

470 Retail Management 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or major in Economic Sciences. Retailing system; organization, merchandising models, pricing, promotion, location, and control procedures; management decision processes.

477 Integrated Marketing Communications 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or major in Economic Sciences. An overview of the managerial approaches and theoretical perspectives relevant to planning, implementing, and evaluating integrated marketing communications strategies.

478 [M] Sales Management 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360. Sales management strategies and plans to achieve a firm's marketing objectives, including the hiring, firing, training, motivation, compensation, deployment, and evaluation of sales personnel. Typically offered Fall.

479 Advanced Professional Sales 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 379. Advanced theory and principles of professional sales with special attention to the business-to-business market and an emphasis on the application of theory and principles to selling skills.

480 Business to Business Marketing 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business, or Professional Sales certificate. Marketing strategies for creating customer and firm value in business-to-business markets. Typically offered Spring.

495 [M] Marketing Management 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; MKTG 368 with a C or better; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business; senior standing. Integrative marketing capstone course; the evaluation and design of marketing strategy; covers industry, competitor, and customer analysis with the goal of recommending and implementing an appropriate marketing strategy. Recommended preparation: MKTG 368 and 407. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

495 (Effective through Summer 2025) [M] Marketing Management 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major or minor in the College of Business; senior standing. Integrative marketing capstone course; the evaluation and design of marketing strategy; covers industry, competitor, and customer analysis with the goal of recommending and implementing an appropriate marketing strategy. Recommended preparation: MKTG 368 and 407. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

496 Special Topics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission; MKTG 360. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

498 Marketing Internship V 2-15 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 15 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission; MKTG 360. Cooperative educational internship with a business, government or nonprofit organization. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.

499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission; MKTG 360. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.

505 (Effective through Summer 2025) Survey of Marketing 3 Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA, Master of Accounting, or Business PhD programs. Marketing management; relevance of marketing to company profitability and consumer satisfaction; decision regarding price, product, promotion, and distribution.

506 Marketing Strategy 3 Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program and completion of MBA Prerequisites, including: B_A 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, ACCTG 550 and ECONS 555. Marketing analyses needed to recommend and implement a marketing strategy. Includes coverage of industry, competitor, and customer analysis as well as decision factors related to segmentation, positioning, and the marketing mix. Typically offered Spring.

565 Seminar in Marketing 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program. Marketing structure and behavior from economic and behavioral perspectives; social evaluation and behavioral implications of marketing strategy. Typically offered Fall.

600 Special Projects or Independent Study V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA, Master of Accounting, or Business PhD programs. Independent study, special projects, and/or internships. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor before enrolling in 600 credit, which cannot be used toward the core graded credits required for a graduate degree. S, F grading.

702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program. Independent research in special problems, directed study, and/or examination credit for students in a non-thesis master's degree program. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 702 credit. S, U grading.

800 Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the Business Administration - Marketing PhD program. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their doctoral research, dissertation and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 800 credit. S, U grading.

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