The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.
Hospitality Business Management (HBM)
No letter-graded course offered by the Carson College of Business may be taken for a Pass, Fail (P, F) grade.
101 Professional and Career Development for the Business World 1 Preparation for employment in today's business environment; focus on career/professional development (resume and cover letter development, interview skills, career services, professional expectations, networking, and etiquette). Typically offered Fall.
105 Navigating Business Careers 2 Course Prerequisite: B A 100 with a C or better; MATH 106, 140, 171, 172, 182, 201, 202, or concurrent enrollment allowed, or ALEKS score of 80% or higher. Enrollment not allowed if credit already earned in both of B A 102 and HBM 101. Establish and clarify major/career goals through career assessments and research on job expectations, employment trends, and essential skills; develop actionable goals and plans to enhance career success; focus on professional development, including the hiring process, resume/cover letter writing, interview strategies, networking, and online branding. Credit not granted for HBM 105 if credit is already earned in both of B A 102 and HBM 101.
235 [SSCI] Travel, Society, and Business 3 Social, cultural, economic, and environmental practices and principles in global travel and tourism. Typically offered Fall and Spring. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
270 [DIVR] Exploring the Business of Aging 3 Introduction to the unique aspects of managing senior housing communities, focusing on the social model of this hospitality-based business. Field trip required. (Formerly HBM 375.)
270 (Effective through Summer 2025) Exploring the Business of Aging 3 Introduction to the unique aspects of managing senior housing communities, focusing on the social model of this hospitality-based business. Field trip required. (Formerly HBM 375.)
280 Hospitality Systems 3 Management functions relating to the planning and operation of various lodging, food, and beverage businesses. Typically offered Fall and Spring.
298 Internship Experience V 1 (0-3) to 12 (0-36) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Cooperative educational internship with a hospitality business, government, or non-profit organization. S, F grading.
301 Introduction to Event Planning 3 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management; junior standing. Overview of event planning industry, including components, interrelationships, economics, and theory.
350 Beverage Management 3 (2-2) Course Prerequisite: Must be at least 21 years old. Beverage operations; detailed study of wines and spirits; consideration of social impacts such as trends in consumption.
358 Foodservice Systems and Control 3 Course Prerequisite: ACCTG 230 or 298; B A 204, 205, and 206 or concurrent enrollment, or B A 212 or concurrent enrollment; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management. Operational control processes, control systems, and cost analysis procedures in food and beverage management. Typically offered Spring.
381 [M] Hospitality Leadership and Organizational Behavior 3 Course Prerequisite: B A 203, 211, or MGMT 301; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management. Focusing on interpersonal skills and group dynamics; covers key hospitality leadership and management issues. Typically offered Spring. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
383 Meeting and Convention Management 3 Course Prerequisite: HBM 301; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management. Theory and practice of meeting/convention/event management, including goals, organization on- and off-site operations, evaluation.
384 Managed Services 3 Course Prerequisite: ACCTG 220, 230, or 298; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management. Management systems of the segment of the hospitality industry relating to contract and self-operated management companies. Field trip required.
401 Career Management 1 Course Prerequisite: HBM 101 or 105; senior standing. Career management preparation including mock/traditional/panel interviews, resume/cover letter critiques, offer evaluations, negotiation and networking.
401 (Effective through Summer 2025) Career Management 1 Course Prerequisite: HBM 101; senior standing. Career management preparation including mock/traditional/panel interviews, resume/cover letter critiques, offer evaluations, negotiation and networking.
470 Senior Living Management Operations Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: HBM 270. Analysis and practice of assessing senior living operational concerns, financial and budget, workforce and labor, sales and marketing efforts, as well as culture and customer experience concerns and decisions for the operation of a senior housing community.
475 [CAPS] Senior Living Management Capstone 3 Course Prerequisite: HBM 470; HBM 494; senior standing. Use of the case method in the operations and analysis of senior living organizations.
480 [M] Marketing Strategy and Development 3 Course Prerequisite: MKTG 360; admitted to a major in the College of Business, minor in Hospitality Business Management, or Professional Sales certificate. Theory and practice; problems in guest relations, special sales efforts, intramural promotion, research.
491 Operational Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: ACCTG 220, 231, or 298; MGTOP 215, STAT 212, STAT 360, or STAT 370; FIN 325; HBM 280; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management; junior standing. Using management tools in analyzing operational effectiveness of hotel and restaurant organizations. Typically offered Fall.
494 [M] Service Operations Management 3 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management; junior standing. Design and management of service delivery systems through operations management topics from a service perspective. Typically offered Fall.
495 [CAPS] Case Studies and Research 3 Course Prerequisite: FIN 325; HBM 358; HBM 491; I BUS 380; MKTG 360; completion of Carson Career Amplifier Tier II or Crimson Pathway I; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management; senior standing. Use of the case method and computerized statistical programs in the analysis of administrative practices of organizations. Typically offered Spring.
496 Special Topics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits.
497 Special Topics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: ACCTG 220, 230, or 298; admitted to a major in the College of Business or minor in Hospitality Business Management. Topics of special interest within the area of hotel and restaurant administration.
498 Hospitality Business Management Internship V 1-15 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 15 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Cooperative educational internship with a business, government or nonprofit organization. Typically offered Fall and Spring. S, F grading.
499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.
581 Services Management 3 Course Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program and completion of MBA Prerequisites, including: B_A 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, ACCTG 550 and ECONS 555. Design and management of service systems in hospitality operations; control of customer interaction, personnel activities and inventory.
- Business
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Law
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Hospitality Business Management
- International Business
- Management
- Management And Operations
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
Schedules of Studies
- Accounting
- Aging Business Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Hospitality Business Management
- Management
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Business Administration
- Entrepreneurship
- Hospitality Business Management
- Human Resource Management
- Professional Sales (Vancouver and Pullman Campuses Only)