The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.
Electrical Engineering - Vancouver (ECE)
Enrollment in many upper-level electrical engineering courses is restricted to admitted majors or minors in electrical engineering.
101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 (1-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 106, or MATH 171 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Introduction to the field of electrical engineering and the fundamental concepts behind electronic devices and systems. Typically offered Fall.
214 Design of Logic Circuits 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 101; MATH 106 or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Design and application of combinational logic circuits with exposure to modern methods and design tools; introduction to sequential logic circuits. Typically offered Fall.
234 Microprocessor Systems 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: CS 251 or CS 261; ECE 214. Microprocessor system architecture, instruction sets and interfacing; assembly language programming. Typically offered Spring.
251 Programming for Electrical Engineers 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: MATH 108 or MATH 171 with a C or better; or concurrent enrollment in MATH 171; or minimum ALEKS math placement score of 78%. Introduction to the C and MATLAB programming languages and application to engineering problem solving; data structures, input/output functions; flow control, and pointers in C; matrix operations, plots, and working with data files in MATLAB; laboratory use of integrated development environments and debugging tools. Typically offered Fall.
260 Circuit Modeling and Analysis I 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 101; MATH 315 or concurrent enrollment. Circuit modeling, analysis, component models, theory and simulation tools; application of network theory to solve linear and nonlinear circuits under static and dynamic operation. Typically offered Spring.
302 Properties of Electronic Materials 3 Course Prerequisite: CHEM 105; PHYS 202. Schrodinger's wave equation, potential barrier problems, crystal structure and bonds, band theory of solids, semiconductors, super conductor, dielectric and magnetic material properties. Typically offered Spring.
311 Introduction to Power and Energy Systems 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 321. Structures and configurations of systems for power configuration, transmission, and distribution; single-phase and three-phase systems, per unit system; major power system components (power transformers, generators, transmission lines, and loads) and their representations/models for system analysis; analysis and design of conventional and alternative energy sources. Typically offered Spring.
316 Nanotechnology for Semiconductor and Renewable Energy Applications 3 Course Prerequisite: CHEM 105; PHYSICS 202. Scaling laws, nanofabrication, nanomaterials, nanoscale characterization; nanotechnology in semiconductor industry, critical dimension, solar cells, fuel cells, energy storage, batteries, energy efficiency and energy savings. Typically offered Spring.
321 Circuit Modeling and Analysis II 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 260; MATH 315. Magnetically coupled circuits, frequency response, Laplace transforms, Fourier analysis, and two port networks. Typically offered Fall.
324 Digital Systems Design 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 214. Implementation of datapaths and controllers, use of hardware description languages and automated synthesis tools, field programmable gate arrays and simulation. Typically offered Spring.
325 Electronic Devices and Applications 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 214; ECE 260. MOS small and large signal models, bipolar transistors, biasing and parasitics, amplifier design and feedback, frequency response; circuit simulation and device models. Typically offered Fall.
327 Introduction to Power Electronics 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 321; ECE 325. Power semiconductors, high-frequency magnetics, and their application to switch-mode power converters, electric motor drives, and utility systems. Typically offered Spring.
341 Signals and Systems 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 321. Discrete and continuous systems, sampling, convolution, Fourier and Z transforms, random signals. Typically offered Spring.
345 Introduction to Digital Communications 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 214; STAT 360 or concurrent enrollment. Digitally modulated signals and their spectral characteristics, modulation/demodulation techniques, coherent/non-coherent detection methods; source and channel coding, spread-spectrum and multiple access techniques.
349 Principles of Solid State Devices 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 325 or concurrent enrollment; CHEM 105; 4 credits PHYSICS 202, or PHYSICS 202 and 212. Semiconductor theory; carrier diffusion and drift, direct and indirect energy materials, homo and hetereojunctions, operations principles of bipolar junctions and MOS field effect transistors, metal-semiconductor contacts. Typically offered Fall.
366 Introduction to VLSI Design 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 214; ECE 349. CMOS devices and deep-submicron fabrication technology; interconnect modeling, power and clock distribution, area, power and speed optimization. Typically offered Spring.
370 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 260; MATH 315. Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields; Faraday's laws, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic properties of matter, uniform plane waves and transmission lines. Typically offered Spring.
405 [M] Professional Issues and Ethics in Electrical Engineering 3 Course Prerequisite: ENGLISH 402; admitted to the major in Electrical Engineering. Social, legal and professional issues that arise in the context of electrical engineering. Typically offered Spring.
411 Electric Machines 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 321; ECE 370. Power transformers and stationary electric machine analysis methods and design; new systems and applications. Typically offered Fall.
414 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 341. Discrete and fast Fourier Transforms, Z-Transform, sampling, discrete convolution, digital filter design and effects of quantization. Typically offered Fall and Spring.
421 Introduction to Solar Cells 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: 4 credits of PHYSICS 202, or PHYSICS 202 and 212. Materials, structures, and devices used in renewable energy systems with the focus on solar cells. Typically offered Fall.
424 Computer Architecture and Design 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 234 or CS 260. Architecture, organization and design of modern digital computers; instruction sets, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchy, storage and input/output topics. Typically offered Fall.
425 RF Devices and Circuits 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 341; ECE 370. Semiconductor devices and circuit design targeting wireless applications. Typically offered Fall.
451 Capstone Design I 2 Course Prerequisite: ECE 325; ECE 370; ENGLISH 402; admitted to the major in Electrical Engineering; senior standing. First of a two-course senior design project sequence; design for manufacture, schedule estimation and tracking, costing, ethics and proposal writing. Typically offered Fall.
452 [CAPS] [M] Capstone Design II 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 451; senior standing. Execution phase of the senior design project course sequence; independent or team project proposed in ECE 451 is designed and implemented. Typically offered Spring.
461 Power System Analysis and Design 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 311 or ECE 411. Power flow analysis, power system economics, symmetrical faults, symmetrical components, unsymmetrical faults, transient stability, and power systems analysis using commercial computer simulation software to enhance understanding in the laboratory. Typically offered Spring.
466 Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 349. Modern semiconductor material and device characterization techniques; electrical, optical, and physical characterization methods commonly used in semiconductor industry. Typically offered Fall.
471 Antenna Design and Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 370. Antenna types and radiation, wire antennas, antenna arrays broadband and aperture antennas; theory and simulation of antenna performance. Typically offered Spring.
476 Computer-aided Design for VLSI 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 324; ECE 366. Algorithms and design flows for VLSI design synthesis and verification.
478 Introduction to CMOS Integrated Circuit Design 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 214; ECE 325. CMOS integrated circuit design including MOS transistors, combinational and sequential circuit design and layout, gate and interconnect delay modeling, power estimation, clock distribution, datapath and memory design, testing, and design-for-test. Typically offered Fall.
483 Topics in Electrical Engineering V 1-4 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the major in Electrical Engineering; junior standing. Current topics in electrical engineering. Typically offered Fall and Spring.
489 Introduction to Control Systems 3 Course Prerequisite: ECE 321 or MECH 304. Laplace Transform, modeling techniques, block diagrams, system characteristics (linearity, time invariance, stability, steady-state error, etc.), root locus, frequency response methods, PID controllers, controller design with MATLAB, and state-space methods. Typically offered Spring.
495 Wireless and Mobile Communications Systems 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 345; ECE 414; ECE 425. Wireless communication emphasizing cellular and multiple access communication; RF environment, duplexing and multiple access, cellular, mobile systems, standards and applications; wireless ad hoc networks.
496 Silicon Integrated Circuit Design Technology 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: ECE 349. Hands-on experience in design, fabrication, characterization, and testing of monolithic silicon devices and integrated circuits; completion of a design project. Typically offered Spring.
499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.
501 Fundamentals of Laboratory-on-Chip 3 Operating principles of laboratory-on-chip (LoC) technologies, basics of design and fabrication, integration with microdevices, digital and high-frequency circuits, sensors, and power systems. Typically offered Spring.
522 High Voltage Engineering 3 High voltage engineering concepts and techniques that facilitate design, research, and development of modern electric power apparatus and interconnected components.
525 Experimental Methods for Electrical Engineering 3 Design of experiments; data analysis methods; statistical testing; dynamic measurements; uncertainty analysis, yield concepts; data acquisition; probability distributions; and report writing. Recommended preparation: basic statistics knowledge. Typically offered Fall.
533 Advanced Antenna Design 3 Advanced antenna types and design methods, small antennas, reconfigurable antennas, wideband microstrip antennas, millimeter-wave antennas, phased arrays, design of array feed, mutual coupling, system level implications such as full-duplex and MIMO. Recommended preparation: ECE 370; ECE 471. Typically offered Fall.
536 Power Systems Economics and Electricity Markets 3 Economic dispatch and optimal power flow; electricity market; short-term load forecasting; electricity price forecasting; price-based unit commitment; arbitrage in electricity markets; market power analysis. (Crosslisted course offered as E E 536, ECE 536).
537 High Frequency Circuit Design 3 Active microwave components (diodes, transistors); microwave transistor amplifiers; oscillators; mixers; stability criteria and circles; noise in microwave circuits; noise figure. Recommended preparation: ECE 370; ECE 425. Typically offered Fall.
543 Advanced Hardware Verification 3 Contemporary methods of functional hardware verification for complex digital designs, including functional simulation, coverage metrics, event and assertion-based verification, property specification language, and formal verification techniques. Recommended preparation: ECE 324. Typically offered Fall.
569 Advanced Power Electronics 3 Advanced design, analysis, modeling, and verification of applied power electronics and related control systems. Recommended preparation: ECE 327. Typically offered Spring.
576 Sensors 3 (2-3) Classification of sensors, sensing modalities, comparison; figures of merit; sensing parameters; sensor miniaturization; sensor manufacturing; and case study: Pressure sensor, gas sensor, temperature sensor, and biosensor. Required preparation: Circuit analysis. Typically offered Fall.
582 Advanced Topics V 1-3 May be repeated for credit. (Crosslisted course offered as E E 582, ECE 582.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.
586 Solid State Device Design and Modeling 3 Design and modeling of solid-state devices such as PN diode, BJT, and MOSFET; Simulation and device design using TCAD tools for physical modeling and fabrication process integration. Recommended preparation: Basic semiconductor physics. Typically offered Spring.
595 Directed Study in Electrical Engineering V 1 (0-3) to 3 (0-9) May be repeated for credit. Current topics in electrical engineering. (Crosslisted course offered as E E 595 and ECE 595.)
700 Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their master's research, thesis and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 700 credit. S, U grading.
702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Independent research in special problems, directed study, and/or examination credit for students in a non-thesis master's degree program. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 702 credit. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, U grading.
800 Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination V 1-18 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the Electrical Engineering PhD program. Independent research and advanced study for students working on their doctoral research, dissertation and/or final examination. Students must have graduate degree-seeking status and should check with their major advisor/committee chair before enrolling for 800 credit. (Crosslisted course offered as E E 800, ECE 800.) S, U grading.
- Engineering and Computer Science - WSU Vancouver
- Computer Science - Vancouver
- Electrical Engineering - Vancouver
- Mechanical Engineering - Vancouver
Schedules of Studies
- Computer Science (Vancouver Only)
- Electrical Engineering (Vancouver only)
- Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver Only)
- Computer Science (Vancouver only)
- Electrical Engineering (Vancouver only)
- Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver only)