The Washington State University Vancouver Catalog

Courses with the DTC Subject

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Digital Technology And Culture (DTC)

Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 

101 [ARTS] Introduction to Digital Technology and Culture 3 Inquiry into digital media, including origins, theories, forms, applications, and impact with a focus on authoring and critiquing multimodal texts. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

201 [ARTS] Tools and Methods for Digital Technology 3 An introduction to the tools and methods of production for multimedia authoring in digital contexts.

204 Introduction to Text Analysis 3 Introduction to computational and statistical text analysis using the open source programming language R; designed for students with no prior experience with programming but who wish to extend their methodological tool kit to include quantitative and computational approaches to the study of text. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 204, DATA 204.)

206 [DIVR] Digital Inclusion 3 Examination of global reach of digital environments, structures, and tools with focus on inclusion in terms of access, availability, affordability, adoption, and application across cultures.

208 [ARTS] Introduction to Digital Cinema 3 A practical introduction to the technological and cultural transformations driving the evolution of cinematic techniques from the birth of motion pictures to emerging technology.

209 [COMM] Visualizing Data 3 Introduction to the tools and methods of visually communicating data for diverse audiences and scenarios. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 209, DATA 209.)

301 [M] Professional Preparation 3 Development of materials and skills to prepare for entry into technology or media professions.

330 Social Media Case Studies 3 Inquiry into ways businesses and individuals use social media as a marketing tool with special emphasis on media impact.

331 Social Media Practices 3 Inquiry into social media practices from a ground-up approach, focusing on social media message creation and consumption; online self-presentation; online relationships; reputation management; social media data analysis.

335 3D Digital Animation 3 3D digital animation for creative and professional productions, art skills, story-telling and team problem-solving techniques. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

336 Multimedia Design 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 201. Design practices and process for composing for a multimedia environment including color, pattern, and shape. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

338 Special Topics in Digital Technology and Culture V 1-3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Major trends or artists in digital technology and culture. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

354 [ARTS] [M] Digital Storytelling 3 Nonlinear, multi-linear, and interactive narrative using elements of creative writing such as character, dialog, setting, plot and image. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 354, ENGLISH 354.) Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

355 Introduction to Web Design and Development 3 Introduction to design, development, and coding for the world wide web and interactive media. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

356 [M] Information Structures 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 101. Social and cultural role of information; research with electronic sources; production, validation, storage, retrieval, evaluation, use, impact of electronic information. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

375 [M] Language, Texts and Technology 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 101. Relationship between technology and communication; writing practices from a historical point of view. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

392 Video Games Theories and Histories 3 History and theory of video games with a focus on innovation and cultural impact.

435 Advanced Animation 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 335. Advanced investigation of tools and methods for 2D and 3D digital animation.

436 Advanced Multimedia Design 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 336. Advanced design principles and projects in digital media; projects include visual, sound, haptic, and interactive experiences.

475 [DIVR] Digital Diversity 3 Cultural impact of digital media in cultural contexts; issues of race, class, gender, sexuality online. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

476 Digital Strategies 3 Examines multiple digital strategies for engagement with immersive and emerging technologies. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

477 Advanced Web Design and Development 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 355. Advanced web development and coding for creating interactive media and websites. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.

478 Usability and Interface Design 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 355. Design of websites using best practices of visual literacy, interface architecture, and usability. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

491 Advanced Digital Cinema 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 201 or 208. Exploration of advanced techniques, theories, and aesthetic strategies of cinema in the age of digital media.

492 Engines and Platforms 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 355. A study of software platforms and engines used for media design, with special focus on intuitive tools, rapid work flow, multimedia platform environments, and asset management.

497 [CAPS] Senior Seminar 3 Course Prerequisite: Completion of Junior Writing Portfolio; admitted to the major in Digital Technology and Culture; senior standing. Major multimedia project for nonprofit organization or small business with special focus on project management, planning, and execution. Typically offered Fall and Spring.

498 Internship V 1-6 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: By department permission; admitted to the major in Digital Technology and Culture; junior standing. Direct professional learning experiences in the area of digital media, technology, and culture. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.

499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the major in Digital Technology and Culture; junior standing. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.

560 Critical Theories, Methods, and Practice in Digital Humanities 3 History, theory, and practice of digital humanities, with attention paid to how digital humanities are transforming disciplinary knowledge. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 560, ENGLISH 560.)

561 Studies in Technology and Culture 3 Foundation examination of key concepts, tools, and possibilities afforded by engaging with technology through a critical cultural lens. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 561, ENGLISH 561.)

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