The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Digital Technology and Culture - Web Design and Development Option (Pullman only)

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Digital Technology and Culture - Web Design and Development Option (Pullman only) (120 Credits)

This option explores the principles of web design, web coding, user experience (UX), content management, information architecture, usability, accessibility, and more. Students in this option will learn HTML, CSS, and scripting languages such as JavaScript or PHP. Graduates of this track will be able to create and manage websites through all stages of development, from planning and setup, to developing and managing code and content.

This option is available on the Pullman campus. A student may be admitted to the DTC – Web Development Option upon making their intention known to the department. This option requires 42 credits of major-specific coursework.
First Year
First TermCredits
DTC 101 [ARTS]3
Quantitative Reasoning [QUAN]3
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,2,36
Second TermCredits
DTC 2013
DTC 202 [COMM]3
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,2,36
Second Year
First TermCredits
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab44
DTC 206 [EQJS] or 475 [DIVR]3
Humanities [HUM]3
Second TermCredits
DTC 330 or 3313
Physical Sciences [PSCI] with lab44
Social Sciences [SSCI]3
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
DTC 301 [M]3
DTC 3553
Equity and Justice [EQJS] or Diversity [DIVR]53
Second TermCredits
DTC 4773
DTC Electives3,66
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
DTC Electives3,66
Second TermCredits
DTC 497 [CAPS]3
DTC 498 or 47873
Senior Exit Survey

1Two years of high school foreign language or at least two semesters of college-level foreign language are required by the College of Arts and Sciences for graduation.
2Electives must include sufficient 300-400-level coursework to meet the University requirement of 40 credits of upper-division coursework.
3Electives or DTC Electives must include an additional [M] course to meet the University requirements of two [M] courses.
4To meet College of Arts and Sciences requirements, students must complete 1 additional lab credit of [BSCI] or [PSCI] for a total of 8 credits (2 labs).
5Depending on whether a student takes DTC 206 [EQJS] or DTC 475 [DIVR] for their degree requirement, they should take a UCORE option that fulfills the opposite requirement in their third year.
6DTC Electives (12 credits): Any DTC course not included in the degree requirements is eligible to be a DTC elective. One DTC elective course (3 credits) may be substituted by DTC 498 or 499.
7Students who elect to take DTC 478 need to have taken DTC 355 as a prerequisite.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
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