The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Data Analytics - Computation Option

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Data Analytics - Computation Option (120 Credits)

Students are admitted to the Data Analytics major upon completion of 24 semester credits with a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Not available on the WSU-Vancouver campus.
First Year
First TermCredits
CPT S 121 or 1314
DATA 1153
MATH 171 [QUAN]4
Second TermCredits
CPT S 122 or 1324
UCORE Inquiry13
Second Year
First TermCredits
CPT S 215 or 2233
MATH 2163
MATH 220 or DATA 2252 or 3
STAT 3603
UCORE Inquiry14
Second TermCredits
Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG]3
CPT S 3153
CPT S 3173
UCORE Inquiry13
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
CPT S 3223
CPT S 4153
MATH 3013
STAT 435 [M]3
UCORE Inquiry13
Second TermCredits
CPT S 3503
CPT S 4513
MATH 3643
STAT 4373
UCORE Inquiry13
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
CPT S 434, 437, or 4403
DATA 498 Internship3
MATH 4203
Second TermCredits
DATA 424 [CAPS] [M]3
PHIL 450 [HUM]3
Option Courses29

1Must complete 5 of these 6 UCORE designations: ARTS, BSCI, DIVR, EQJS, PSCI, SSCI. One lab science (BSCI or PSCI) must be completed.
2Option Courses (9 credits): Choose three from CPT S /CS 411, CPT S /CS 471, MATH 448 (prerequisite of MATH 315), or MATH 466.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
Copyright © Board of Regents, Washington State University