The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Bioengineering - General Option

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

WARNING: The following requirements are outdated. Please click the appropriate link under the "Schedule of Studies" heading on the right side of this page to view the current requirements. If a link does not appear, the program may no longer be available. You can find past requirements under the appropriate archived catalog.

Bioengineering - General Option (120 Credits)

Students who plan to pursue pre-med studies should consult their advisor for further information about appropriate courses.

Admission to the Major Criteria – Bioengineering Program

Incoming first-year students, transfer students, and students changing from a different major may be admitted to the Bioengineering degree program upon completion of MATH 171 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment, and CHEM 105 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment. To remain in the major the student must earn a grade of C or better in all courses and maintain good academic standing (i.e. a 2.0 or higher GPA each term and an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 at WSU).

Students who are deficient under the University’s Academic Regulations 38 and 39 or whose GPA in Bioengineering courses falls below 2.0 are subject to loss of eligibility of the major. The Bioengineering undergraduate studies committee will determine the eligibility for readmission and probation conditions for students who are deficient and apply for re-entry into the major.
First Year
First TermCredits
Arts [ARTS]3
CHEM 105 [PSCI]4
ENGR 12012
MATH 171 [QUAN]4
Second TermCredits
BIO ENG 1401
CHEM 106 or 1164
HISTORY 105 [ROOT] or 305 [ROOT]3
MATH 172 or 1824
Second Year
First TermCredits
BIO ENG 2051
CHE 2013
Humanities [HUM]3
MATH 220 or 2302 or 3
MATH 273 or 2832
PHYSICS 201 and 211, or 2054 or 5
Second TermCredits
BIO ENG 2102
CE 2113
MATH 3153
PHYSICS 202 and 212, or 2064 or 5
STAT 370 or 4233
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
BIO ENG 3103
BIO ENG 3213
BIO ENG 322 [M]1
BIO ENG 3503
E E 2613
Second TermCredits
BIO ENG 3303
BIO ENG 3404
Bioengineering Elective23
Diversity [DIVR]3
ECONS 101 [SSCI], 102 [SSCI], or 1983
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
BIO ENG 410 [M]3
BIO ENG 4404
Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG]3
Technical Electives36
Second TermCredits
Bioengineering Electives23
Technical Electives36
Complete BIO ENG Exit Interview

13 credit 300-400-level engineering course may be substituted for ENGR 120 by approval of advisor.
2Bioengineering Electives (3 credits): Any 400-level BIO ENG course not used to fulfill major requirements. A maximum of 3 credits is allowed in BIO ENG 488, 495, and 499 combined.
3Technical Electives (3 credits): Approved courses include BIOLOGY 106, 251, CPT S 121, E E 214, 262, ME 116, 212, 216, MSE 201, any 300-400 level BIO ENG, BIOLOGY, CE, CHE, CHEM, CPT S, E E, MATH, MBIOS, ME, MSE, NEUROSCI, PHYSICS, or STAT course as approved, or other courses as approved by advisor.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
Copyright © Board of Regents, Washington State University