The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences - Honors Accelerated Pre-Vet Program Option

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences - Honors Accelerated Pre-Vet Program Option (124 Credits)

This program allows qualified students in the Honors College to earn both a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine within a seven-year span.

A student may be admitted to the Wildlife Ecology & Conservation Sciences major by making their intention known to the School of the Environment no later than the first semester of the sophomore year.

A student maintains eligibility for the major’s accelerated pre-vet program by completing each of the following courses with a C or better by the end of the third semester in the major: MATH 106, MATH 108, BIOLOGY 106, BIOLOGY 107, CHEM 105, and SOE 300. In addition, admitted students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

A student who does not meet these minimum requirements for maintaining eligibility in the major may be released by the School of the Environment after two semesters of failing to meet minimums. A student may be eligible to re-enter into the same major when minimum requirements are met.

First-Third Years

Students will participate in a three-year program, completing all Honors requirements, the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences core, and pre-veterinary medicine requirements. Students must complete a minimum of 90 undergraduate credits including 30 credits of upper-division coursework in the first three years.

Fourth-Seventh Years

Students will enter the College of Veterinary Medicine and complete the requirements for total credits and upper-division credits before earning the BS in Earth and Environmental Sciences in their fourth year. Those students finishing all required classes would complete only the DVM curriculum from this point on. Successful completion of the College of Veterinary Medicine program will earn the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

Interested students must be advised by faculty in the School of the Environment, and should contact the school no later than the first semester of the sophomore year. NOTE: If the student is not accepted or withdraws from the accelerated track, the student could earn the BS in Earth and Environmental Sciences and/or apply to the College of Veterinary Medicine under normal procedures.
First Year
First TermCredits
CHEM 1054
Foreign Language, if needed10 - 4
MATH 10623
Second TermCredits
CHEM 106 or 1164
ECONS 1983
Foreign Language, if needed10 - 4
MATH 10822
Second Year
First TermCredits
SOE 30033
SOE 3104
STAT 2124
Second TermCredits
CHEM 3454
HONORS 29040 - 3
HONORS 39850 - 1
SOE 3123
SOE 4313
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
MBIOS 3034
SOE 3013
SOE 4354
Second TermCredits
SOE 3023
SOE 446 [M]3
SOE 450 [M] or 464 [M]3
Complete School of the Environment Exit Survey
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
DVM coursework15
Second TermCredits
DVM coursework15

1Language proficiency equivalent to four years of high school foreign language or four semesters of college-level foreign language are required by the Honors College for graduation.
2MATH 106 and 108 are required courses. However, if students have tested into or taken MATH 140, 171, 172, or ALEKS with an 80% or better, MATH 106 and 108 will be waived. If waived, students may need to take additional credits to meet the minimum 90 undergraduate credits.
3Alternative to SOE 300 is BIOLOGY 372 [M]
4Students who complete CHEM 116 fulfill the Honors College HONORS 290 requirement and another 3-credit course can be substituted.
5The Honors College recommends that students enroll in and complete HONORS 398, an optional one-credit “Thesis Proposal” class. HONORS 398 should be taken sophomore or junior year.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
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