The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Courses with the CES Subject

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Comparative Ethnic Studies (CES)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 

101 [EQJS] Race and Racism in the United States 3 Overview of race, ethnicity, and racism within social, cultural, and historical structures and systems in the United States.

111 [HUM] Introduction to Asian Pacific American Studies 3 Examination of the social, political, economic, and cultural experiences of Asian/Pacific Americans in the historical and contemporary period.

131 Introduction to Black Studies 3 An introduction to general knowledge concerning African Americans in the U.S.

151 [HUM] Introduction to Latinx Studies 3 Examination of the history, culture, political and economic status of Latinx in the U.S.

171 [SSCI] Introduction to Indigenous Studies 3 Introduction to indigenous studies; introductory course to contemporary indigenous cultures and politics.

201 Foundations of Comparative Ethnic Studies 3 Critical examination of the history, methodology and theoretical concepts of ethnic studies. Typically offered Fall.

204 [EQJS] Critical Studies in Whiteness 3 Political and cultural practices that define whiteness through history, popular culture and everyday life.

207 [DIVR] Race/Ethnic Dynamics and the Corporate World 3 Social, cultural, and institutional processes that attach meaning to notions of race and racial differences, especially in U.S.-based corporations. Typically offered Spring.

208 [DIVR] Race and Speculative Narratives 3 Reading and analysis of speculative fiction alongside theories and histories of race, racism, and anti-racism.

209 [HUM] Hip Hop Around the Globe 3 Diversity and complexity of hip hop at a local, national and global level.

211 Asian Pacific American History 3 Historical experience of Asian/Pacific Americans since the 19th century. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 211, HISTORY 201.)

216 Introduction to American Cultural Studies 3 Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of American cultures and the field of American studies. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 216, CES 216, ENGLISH 216, HISTORY 216, WGSS 216.)

220 [HUM] Social Justice Literature 3 Survey of modern multicultural literature concerned with social justice, including African American, Asian Pacific American, Latinx, and Native American authors. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 220, ENGLISH 220.)

222 Race in Sport Films 3 (2-2) Examination of racial politics through critical discussions of sport film.

235 [HUM] African American History 3 History of African Americans in the U.S. with emphasis upon major themes of the Black experience. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 235, HISTORY 235.)

240 Global Indigenous Issues 3 Critical examination of global indigenous politics in a historical perspective.

244 [SSCI] Critical Globalizations 3 Critical examination of the historical trajectory and contemporary practices, institutions and policies that make up globalization.

254 [SSCI] Comparative Latinx Cultures 3 Comparison of the contemporary and historical experiences of Latinx in the United States, and their relations with other ethnic minority groups and the majority populations.

255 Latinx Diasporic Communities in the U.S. 3 Exploration of historical movements, settlement, and interactions within the United States of different Latinx groups.

260 [HUM] Race and Racism in U.S. Popular Culture 3 Examines images, ideologies, and identities; introduces key concepts and methods; focuses on race, gender, sexuality and class.

264 Racial Justice Movements 3 Examines racial justice movements since the 1960s, exploring the lessons, tactics, histories, and significance of movements across multiple communities. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 264, CES 264. Formerly offered as AMER ST 474, CES 464.)

271 [HUM] Native Music of North America 3 Music and ceremonialism as a reflection of realities in North American native cultures, past and present. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 265, CES 271.)

280 Communities of Color and the Pacific Northwest 3 Exploration of racial and ethnic diversity of the Pacific Northwest, highlighting contributions, histories, cultural impact, political movements, and community formation across the state. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 280, HISTORY 280.)

291 [EQJS] Anti-Semitism 3 Historical, social, theological, and ideological dimensions of anti-Semitism.

301 [M] Race and Global Inequality 3 Examination of nationalism, colonization, empire-building, racism, ethnic conflict, and class inequality in a global context. Typically offered Spring.

302 Social Psychology of Prejudice 3 Causes and nature of prejudice from social, psychological, and cultural theoretical perspectives.

308 [SSCI] Cultural Politics of Sport 3 A critical examination of U.S. sports through class, race, gender, sexuality, nationalism and criminality.

313 [HUM] Asian Pacific American Literature 3 Asian American fiction, drama, poetry, and other arts, 1900 to present; impact of Asian/Pacific American culture and experience upon these works. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 313, ENGLISH 311.)

314 Pacific Islander History and Culture 3 Survey of the histories, cultures, and movements for sovereignty of Pacific peoples, focusing on the relations to the Unites States.

315 [M] Asian Pacific American Autobiography 3 Critical readings of the autobiographical works, memoirs, and life writings by Asian Pacific Americans. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 315, ENGLISH 315.)

325 [DIVR] Traveling Cultures: Tourism in Global Perspective 3 Social relations and cultural practices central to tourism with examples from around the world.

330 Black Washington 3 Histories of Black communities in Washington including social movements, immigration, religion, politics, culture, and the many social, economic, and everyday contributions of Black Washingtonians.

331 Black Lives Matter and the Cultural Imagination 3 Through literature, social media, film, music, and television, an examination of the role that cultural movements have played in the Black Lives Matter movement.

332 [DIVR] [M] Topics in African American Literature 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Trends and major writers. (Crosslisted course offered as ENGLISH 322, CES 332.)

335 [EQJS] Black Freedom Struggle 3 Historic exploration of black resistance focusing on nationwide movement that developed following World War II. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 335, HISTORY 360.)

336 Black Popular Culture 3 Histories of African American pop culture; examines how African American cultural specificities emerge and transform American popular imaginations.

338 Cinematic Images of Blackness 3 Critical perspectives on the history of cinematic images of blackness; traces experiences of blacks within Hollywood as actor or artist, subject or image. Typically offered Summer Session.

353 [M] Contemporary Latinx Literatures 3 A survey of Latinx literature, examining both dominant representations and sites of resistance. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 353, ENGLISH 345.)

357 Latinx and U.S. Popular Culture 3 Examination of the participation and representation of Latinx bodies in different aspects of U.S. popular culture.

358 [M] U.S. Latinx in Film 3 (2-3) Critical analysis of Latinx in contemporary U.S. mainstream movies and independent films.

359 Latinx Politics 3 Histories, role, and goals of Latinx politics; explores political movements, coalitional politics, representation, voting, and other political issues. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 359, POL S 375.)

372 Indigenous Women in Traditional and Contemporary Societies 3 Course Prerequisite: ANTH 101, 214, CES 101, or 171. Exploration of roles and activities of women in indigenous societies; how traditional gender roles have developed and changed.

373 [M] Indigenous Literature 3 Literature, by Indigenous authors and about Indigenous communities, reflecting on dominant images and counter-images, with emphasis on the 20th century. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 373, ENGLISH 341.)

379 Indigenous Film 3 Critical examination of films and videos featuring and by indigenous peoples; traces the history of the indigenous peoples as subjects of films and as filmmakers.

380 Immigration and Citizenship in the Global Economy 3 Examination of past and current notions of immigration and citizenship in North American, Asian, and European countries as defined by government officials, political organizations, community groups, and popular culture.

401 Seminar in Culture and Power 3 Complex power relations that develop among competing local, regional, national, and global culture(s).

405 [CAPS] Cultural Criticism and Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Major critiques and theories of colonialist and imperialist formations of culture. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 405, ENGLISH 410.)

406 Philosophy and Race 3 Course Prerequisite: 3 hours in PHIL or CES 201. Examination of race within western philosophy including work of philosophers of color and analysis of the category race. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 406, PHIL 406.)

407 Race, Gender and the Prison Industrial Complex 3 Race, gender and nationality and how they affect the organization and maintenance of the prison industrial complex.

411 Asian and Pacific American Women 3 Course Prerequisite: CES or WGSS course; junior standing. Intersection of ethnicity, race, class, gender and sexuality in the lives of Asian and Pacific American women. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 411, WGSS 411.)

413 Asian Pacific Americans and Popular Culture 3 Course Prerequisite: CES 101 or 111. Examines the racial politics that have developed around the representation of Asian Pacific Americans in U.S. popular culture.

426 [EQJS] Workers Across North America 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. International interactions between workers and labor unions in Mexico, Canada and the U.S. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 426, HISTORY 426.)

435 Black Feminism 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Explores the history, praxis, movements, and politics of Black feminism; examines the intellectual traditions, social movements, and contemporary debates surrounding Black feminism.

436 Black Masculinities 3 Historical, political and cultural constructions of images of black manhood and the effects on black male subjectivity.

440 [CAPS] Global Social Justice 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examination of social justice issues in the United States and transnationally.

444 White Power Movements and Ideologies 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Critical assessment of white supremacist and nationalist movements and ideologies around the globe.

454 Latinas in U.S. Culture and Society 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Intersections of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation in the experience of U.S. women of Latin American ancestry, Latinas.

461 Race, Popular Culture, and Post-Civil Rights America 3 An examination of sports, television, film, music, and other examples of popular culture as resistance. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 471, CES 461.)

462 [EQJS] Race, Justice, and Food Ecosystems 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines racial inequalities and injustice alongside of movements of change, highlighting the importance of food in a modern world. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 472, CES 462, ENGLISH 472.) Typically offered Fall and Spring.

463 Art as Resistance 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Highlights artists and movements often erased within dominant narratives about art, and within galleries and museums. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 473, CES 463.)

465 Race, Science, and Society 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Racial thinking in science tracing the impact of scientific racism on policy, popular thought and social movements.

470 Indigenous Politics 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. An overview of the struggles of indigenous people; issues include rights, recognition, identity, natural resources, intellectual property, and repatriation globally.

475 Indians of the Northwest 3 Course Prerequisite: ANTH 320, CES 171, 375, 377, or HIST 308; junior standing. History and ethnography of Native Americans of the Coast and Plateau; historic relationship with Europeans and Euro-Americans, and other Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os.

485 Special Topics: Study Abroad V 1-15 May be repeated for credit. S, F grading.

494 Advanced Topics in Ethnic Studies 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: 3 credits in CES. A reading and discussion course that explores special topics in ethnic studies.

495 Special Topics in Comparative Ethnic Studies 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: 3 credits in CES. Cross-cultural studies on Asian Pacific Americans, Blacks, Chicanas/os, and Native Americans.

498 Internship in Comparative Ethnic Studies V 1-3 Course Prerequisite: 12 hours of CES; junior standing. Internship component for CES majors and minors. S, F grading.

499 Directed Independent Study V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
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