The Washington State University Pullman Catalog

Race and Ethnicity in the Corporate World

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Race and Ethnicity in the Corporate World

This interdisciplinary certificate is open to enrolled WSU students majoring or minoring in Comparative Ethnic Studies or Business. The certificate requires completion of a minimum of 15 credits, including CES 101 or 201; CES 207; one course from HBM 235, IBUS 435, or IBUS 453; and two courses, at least one of which must be a 300-400-level course, from CES 244, 260, 301, 440, 446, 462, 465, 491. 

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
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