The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.
American Studies (AMER_ST)
472 [EQJS] Race, Justice, and Food Ecosystems 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines racial inequalities and injustice alongside of movements of change, highlighting the importance of food in a modern world. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 472, CES 462, ENGLISH 472.)
Apparel, Merchandising, Design, And Textiles (AMDT)
222 [EQJS] Fat Studies 3 Course Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Examination of weight-based oppression as a social justice issue with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability. (Crosslisted course offered as AMDT 222, WGSS 222.)
Anthropology (ANTH)
210 [EQJS] Health Divides: Human Inequality and Well-Being 3 A critical exploration of how systemic inequalities along lines of class, race, gender, and sexuality become embodied in adverse health outcomes.
215 [EQJS] Material Culture of Confinement and Incarceration 3 The impact of confinement and incarceration on human lives across both time and space.
220 [EQJS] Perspectives on Race and Human Variation 3 Critical examination of the history of racial classification and social hierarchy, influences of biology and culture on human variation, and differences among groups.
310 [EQJS] Contemporary Human Issues 3 Journey into numerous and dynamic contemporary human issues in American society focusing on their interconnectivity with equity, justice, and social power.
317 [EQJS] Global Feminisms 3 Course Prerequisite: ANTH 101, WGSS 101, or WGSS 120. An interdisciplinary approach to examining women's roles and experiences throughout the world and different approaches to feminism/feminisms. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 332, ANTH 317.)
Art (ART)
304 [EQJS] Modern Art-20th Century 3 Modern art in the 20th century.
Comparative Ethnic Studies (CES)
101 [EQJS] Race and Racism in the United States 3 Overview of race, ethnicity, and racism within social, cultural, and historical structures and systems in the United States.
204 [EQJS] Critical Studies in Whiteness 3 Political and cultural practices that define whiteness through history, popular culture and everyday life.
291 [EQJS] Anti-Semitism 3 Historical, social, theological, and ideological dimensions of anti-Semitism.
335 [EQJS] Black Freedom Struggle 3 Historic exploration of black resistance focusing on nationwide movement that developed following World War II. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 335, HISTORY 360.)
426 [EQJS] Workers Across North America 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. International interactions between workers and labor unions in Mexico, Canada and the U.S. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 426, HISTORY 426.)
462 [EQJS] Race, Justice, and Food Ecosystems 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines racial inequalities and injustice alongside of movements of change, highlighting the importance of food in a modern world. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 472, CES 462, ENGLISH 472.)
Strategic Communication (COMSTRAT)
285 [EQJS] Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in Communication Organizations 3 Core concepts from the world of DEI research applied to daily communications and relationship management in personal and professional settings.
Criminal Justice (CRM_J)
205 [EQJS] Advancing Justice: Addressing Power and Inequity in the Justice System 3 The pursuit of justice and the historical, contemporary, and future issues and challenges facing society and the criminal justice system.
Economic Sciences (ECONS)
181 (Effective through Summer 2025) [EQJS] History of Economic Thought on Inequality 3 Economic ideas through the centuries with an emphasis on race, class, and gender.
181 [EQJS] History of Economic Thought on Inequality 3 Explore the debates around economic inequality through the centuries as they apply to race, class, and gender; reason through moral questions such as the notions of freedom, the role of government, capitalism, socialism, greed, and fair market prices.
English (ENGLISH)
310 (Effective through Summer 2025) [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Intersections between race, class and gender through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
310 [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, and Dis/ability 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Study of intersections among race, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
362 [EQJS] Rhetorics of Racism 3 The language of racism since WWII.
472 [EQJS] Race, Justice, and Food Ecosystems 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines racial inequalities and injustice alongside of movements of change, highlighting the importance of food in a modern world. (Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 472, CES 462, ENGLISH 472.)
489 [EQJS] Contemporary British and Postcolonial Literatures 3 Course Prerequisite: ENGLISH 302. Advanced study of modernist, postmodernist, and postcolonial writing from Britain, Ireland, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and the Caribbean.
Human Development (H_D)
334 [EQJS] Principles of Community Development 3 Course Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Factors influencing how communities grow and decline and the ways in which social interventions influence these outcomes.
History (HISTORY)
224 [EQJS] Baseball and American Social Movements 3 How the game of baseball has shaped, intersected with, and reflected historical social movements for racial, gender, labor, and immigrant justice and anti-colonial liberation in the United States and its empire. Recommended preparation: HISTORY 111.
250 [EQJS] Peoples of the United States 3 Examination of the peoples of the United States from the beginnings of the colonial era to the present.
360 [EQJS] Black Freedom Struggle 3 Historic exploration of black resistance focusing on nationwide movement that developed following World War II. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 335, HISTORY 360.)
384 [EQJS] The World Through Sports History 3 Exploration of the ways in which sports, games, athletics, and athletes have contributed to the development of global or transnational processes of power and inequality.
399 [EQJS] LGBTQ+ History: Culture, Politics, and Social Change in the U.S. 3 History and theory of queer sexualities and gender identities in the United States including community development, politics and cultures. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 399, WGSS 399.)
426 [EQJS] Workers Across North America 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. International interactions between workers and labor unions in Mexico, Canada and the U.S. (Crosslisted course offered as CES 426, HISTORY 426.)
Music (MUS)
267 [EQJS] Black American Music: Roots to Fruit 3 A critical survey of key musical and societal forces contributing to today's African American musicscape; listening, analysis, and critique.
Philosophy (PHIL)
234 [EQJS] Peace, Justice, and Human Rights 3 Approaches of political science and philosophy to the study of peace, justice, and human rights, and practical applications of these approaches. (Crosslisted course offered as POL S 234, PHIL 234.)
438 [EQJS] [M] Contemporary Political Theories of Power, Oppression, and Resistance 3 Exploration of three paradigms in contemporary political theory - critical theory, post-structuralism, and feminist theory - for an understanding of power, oppression, and possibilities for more just societies. (Crosslisted course offered as POL S 438, PHIL 438.)
Pharmaceutical And Medical Sciences (PHARMEDS)
375 [EQJS] Equity, Disparity, and Social Justice in Healthcare 3 Fundamental concepts of social justice and equity in healthcare, with a solution-focused approach.
Political Science (POL_S)
234 [EQJS] Peace, Justice, and Human Rights 3 Approaches of political science and philosophy to the study of peace, justice, and human rights, and practical applications of these approaches. (Crosslisted course offered as POL S 234, PHIL 234.)
438 [EQJS] [M] Contemporary Political Theories of Power, Oppression, and Resistance 3 Exploration of three paradigms in contemporary political theory - critical theory, post-structuralism, and feminist theory - for an understanding of power, oppression, and possibilities for more just societies. (Crosslisted course offered as POL S 438, PHIL 438.)
School Of Design And Construction (SDC)
102 [EQJS] Social Justice in the Built Environment 3 Historical context and current debates on urbanism including environmental racism, gentrification, redlining, postcolonialism, and public monuments.
Sociology (SOC)
300 (Effective through Summer 2025) [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Intersections between race, class and gender through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
300 [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, and Dis/ability 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Study of intersections among race, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
340 [EQJS] Social Inequality 3 Causes and consequences of social inequality in contemporary America. Recommended preparation: SOC 101.
385 [EQJS] Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Interdisciplinary exploration of issues related to gender and sexuality, explored transhistorically and cross-culturally, including race, class and age differences. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 385, SOC 385.)
Sport Management (SPMGT)
The general prerequisite for enrollment in 300 and 400-level sport management courses is 60 hours of coursework and admission to the sport management major or sport management minor. Students of junior or senior status in a major who require a 300 or 400-level sports management course for their program will be allowed to enroll in the required course. Additional prerequisites for specific courses are listed in the course descriptions. The program director must approve any exceptions to these requirements.
101 [EQJS] Sport and Popular Culture: Trends and Issues 3 Explores how sport shapes or reinforces cultural and social values and ideologies.
Women's, Gender, And Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
101 [EQJS] Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3 Analysis of gender and power in contemporary society from perspectives of different racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
120 [EQJS] Sex, Race, and Reproduction in Global Health Politics 3 Examination of how cultures, institutions, states, and economies influence reproductive health inequalities around gender, sexuality, race, class, and national identity.
222 [EQJS] Fat Studies 3 Course Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Examination of weight-based oppression as a social justice issue with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability. (Crosslisted course offered as AMDT 222, WGSS 222.)
300 (Effective through Summer 2025) [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Intersections between race, class and gender through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
300 [EQJS] [M] Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, and Dis/ability 3 Course Prerequisite: SOC 101 or WGSS 101. Study of intersections among race, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability through case studies; experiences in interdisciplinary methods. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 300, ENGLISH 310, SOC 300.)
332 [EQJS] Global Feminisms 3 Course Prerequisite: ANTH 101, WGSS 101, or WGSS 120. An interdisciplinary approach to examining women's roles and experiences throughout the world and different approaches to feminism/feminisms. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 332, ANTH 317.)
385 [EQJS] Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Interdisciplinary exploration of issues related to gender and sexuality, explored transhistorically and cross-culturally, including race, class and age differences. (Crosslisted course offered as WGSS 385, SOC 385.)
399 [EQJS] LGBTQ+ History: Culture, Politics, and Social Change in the U.S. 3 History and theory of queer sexualities and gender identities in the United States including community development, politics and cultures. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 399, WGSS 399.)