The Washington State University General Catalog

Courses matching: photography


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Art (ART)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

367 (Effective through Summer 2024) Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit. (Formerly FINE ART 367.)

367 Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

380 (Effective through Summer 2024) History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium. (Formerly FINE ART 380.)

380 History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium.

381 (Effective through Fall 2023) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Fundamentals in digital photography in conjunction with image editing and printing techniques; formal, conceptual, and aesthetic concepts introduced. (Formerly FINE ART 381.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Summer 2024) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Fundamentals in digital photography in conjunction with image editing and printing techniques; formal, conceptual, and aesthetic concepts introduced. (Formerly FINE ART 381.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Fundamentals in lens-based media (photography) tools and techniques, in conjunction with image capture, editing, printing, and display; formal, conceptual, expressive, and aesthetic concepts explored. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Summer 2024) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: ART 381. Expansion of conceptual and technical development with photography including location and studio lighting and camera techniques; research and portfolio development. (Formerly FINE ART 382.) Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: ART 381. Expansion of conceptual and technical development with photography including location and studio lighting and camera techniques; research and portfolio development. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

483 (Effective through Summer 2024) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: ART 382; admitted to the major in Fine Arts. Advanced studio art techniques and development; research of historic and contemporary photographic trends; discussion of personal direction. (Formerly FINE ART 483.)

483 Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: ART 382; admitted to the major in Fine Arts. Advanced studio art techniques and development; research of historic and contemporary photographic trends; discussion of personal direction.

580 (Effective through Summer 2024) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. (Formerly FINE ART 580.)

580 Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

581 (Effective through Summer 2024) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. (Formerly FINE ART 581.)

581 Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

582 (Effective through Summer 2024) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. (Formerly FINE ART 582.)

582 Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

Journalism And Media Production (COMJOUR)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

280 Introduction to Photojournalism 3 The history and practice of photojournalism and its impact on society; evolving technology, styles, and ethics of documentary photography and the role of visual storytelling in our understanding of news events.

Fine Arts (FINE_ART)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

367 (Effective through Spring 2010) Special Topics - Black and White Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

367 (Effective through Summer 2012) Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

367 (Effective through Spring 2013) Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

367 (Effective through Spring 2014) Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

367 (Effective through Summer 2023) Special Topics - Photography V 1-6 May be repeated for credit.

368 (Effective through Summer 2009) Special Topics—Color Photography V 1-6

380 (Effective through Summer 2012) History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium.

380 (Effective through Spring 2013) History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium.

380 (Effective through Spring 2014) History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium.

380 (Effective through Summer 2023) History of Photography 3 Historical survey of photography from its invention to the present; conceptual, cultural, and technical implications of the medium.

381 (Effective through Summer 2009) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Camera and black/white film used in conjunction with studio and darkroom techniques; composition and aesthetic concepts introduced.

381 (Effective through Summer 2012) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Camera and black/white film used in conjunction with studio and darkroom techniques; composition and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Spring 2013) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 102. Camera and black/white film used in conjunction with studio and darkroom techniques; composition and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Spring 2014) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 102. Camera and black/white film used in conjunction with studio and darkroom techniques; composition and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Summer 2015) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 102. Camera and black/white film used in conjunction with studio and darkroom techniques; composition and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Summer 2018) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Fundamentals in digital photography in conjunction with image editing and printing techniques; formal, conceptual, and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

381 (Effective through Summer 2023) Beginning Photography 3 (0-6) Fundamentals in digital photography in conjunction with image editing and printing techniques; formal, conceptual, and aesthetic concepts introduced. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Summer 2009) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Expansion of conceptual building in black/white darkroom and camera techniques; research and portfolio.

382 (Effective through Summer 2012) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Expansion of conceptual building in black/white darkroom and camera techniques; research and portfolio. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Spring 2013) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 381. Expansion of conceptual building in black/white darkroom and camera techniques; research and portfolio. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Spring 2014) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 381. Expansion of conceptual building in black/white darkroom and camera techniques; research and portfolio. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Summer 2015) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 381. Expansion of conceptual building in black/white darkroom and camera techniques; research and portfolio. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Summer 2018) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 381. Expansion of conceptual and technical development with photography including location and studio lighting and camera techniques; research and portfolio development. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

382 (Effective through Summer 2023) Intermediate Photography 3 (0-6) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 381. Expansion of conceptual and technical development with photography including location and studio lighting and camera techniques; research and portfolio development. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

483 (Effective through Summer 2012) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Advanced black/white darkroom and studio; research of historic and contemporary trends; discussion of personal direction; portfolio.

483 (Effective through Spring 2013) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; certified major in Fine Arts. Advanced black/white darkroom and studio; research of historic and contemporary trends; discussion of personal direction; portfolio.

483 (Effective through Spring 2014) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; certified major in Fine Arts. Advanced black/white darkroom and studio; research of historic and contemporary trends; discussion of personal direction; portfolio.

483 (Effective through Summer 2015) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; certified major in Fine Arts. Advanced black/white darkroom and studio; research of historic and contemporary trends; discussion of personal direction; portfolio.

483 (Effective through Summer 2018) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; certified major in Fine Arts. Advanced studio art techniques and development; research of historic and contemporary photographic trends; discussion of personal direction.

483 (Effective through Summer 2020) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; certified major in Fine Arts. Advanced studio art techniques and development; research of historic and contemporary photographic trends; discussion of personal direction.

483 (Effective through Summer 2023) Advanced Photography V 3 (0-6) to 6 (0-12) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Course Prerequisite: FINE ART 382; admitted to the major in Fine Arts. Advanced studio art techniques and development; research of historic and contemporary photographic trends; discussion of personal direction.

580 (Effective through Summer 2012) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

580 (Effective through Spring 2013) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

580 (Effective through Spring 2014) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

580 (Effective through Summer 2023) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

581 (Effective through Summer 2012) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

581 (Effective through Spring 2013) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

581 (Effective through Spring 2014) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

581 (Effective through Summer 2023) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

582 (Effective through Summer 2012) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

582 (Effective through Spring 2013) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

582 (Effective through Spring 2014) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

582 (Effective through Summer 2023) Graduate Photography 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 credits.

Natural Resource Sciences (NATRS)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

374 (Effective through Fall 2011) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems. (Crosslisted course offered as SOIL SCI 374, NATRS 374).

Soil Science (SOIL_SCI)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

374 (Effective through Fall 2011) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems. (Crosslisted course offered as SOIL SCI 374, NATRS 374).

374 (Effective through Summer 2012) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems.

374 (Effective through Spring 2014) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: 3 credits of [B], [BSCI], [P], or [PSCI] GER or UCORE categories. Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems.

374 (Effective through Fall 2016) Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: 3 credits of [B], [BSCI], [P], or [PSCI] GER or UCORE categories. Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems.

374 Introduction to Remote Sensing 3 (2-3) Course Prerequisite: 3 credits of [BSCI] or [PSCI] UCORE. Physical basis of remote sensing, fundamentals of aerial photography and image analysis applied to agriculture, forestry, wildland management problems.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
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