The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
Department of Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles
Johnson Annex, C 30
Department Chair and Professor, T. Chi; Associate Professor, H. Liu; Assistant Professors, Y. Chen, A. Ghalachyan, X. Lou, J. Son; Instructor, M. Shaheen; Principal Assistant, L. Byers-Brown; Academic Coordinator, K. Gardner-Schrand; Professors Emeriti, L. Bradley, C. Salusso.
Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles offers Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees, and also participates in the Individual Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program.
As the largest and most comprehensive 4-year apparel and textiles program that offers a full Apparel Design program and an in-depth Merchandising program in Washington, we offer students all of the tools necessary to succeed in the fashion, textiles and apparel industry. We have state of the art classrooms, computer lab and laboratory equipment, fully equipped apparel design studios, visual merchandising studio, and photo studio, a program and curriculum aligned with industry, and nationally and internationally recognized faculty who challenge students to understand all the aspects of the discipline. Students in the AMDT department graduate with a thorough understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of the apparel and textile industry across the supply chain. The curriculum options are designed to teach students to:
• Recognize the global world that we live in today by understanding dynamic and diverse political, socio-cultural, and economic systems and how they impact human behavior and industry processes in a global economy.
• Increase knowledge of the industry by applying industry relevant decision making and creative processes in the selection, production and placement of goods and services that meet consumer needs in the textile, apparel & retail complex using industry best practices.
• Utilize technology by applying knowledge and skills regarding current technology to retrieve, analyze and disseminate information, and develop solutions relevant to the textile, apparel, and retail complex.
• Improve verbal, visual, and written communication skills by demonstrating the ability to effectively communicate ideas verbally, visually and in writing as team members and/or leaders within a professional environment.
• Think analytically and critically by demonstrating analytical and critical thinking skills to recognize problems, collect, analyze, synthesize information, develop, evaluate and implement solutions.
• Develop an understanding of sustainable practices by understanding environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially supportive sustainable practices in the textile, apparel and retail complex.
Students majoring in Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles choose an emphasis in Apparel Design or Merchandising. Each option includes the program's core courses, as well as option requirements and electives. Students can individualize their expertise by exploring minors and supporting work in business administration, communication, and fine arts.
An internship is required of students in both emphasis areas. Internships are a valuable way to gain experience and contacts in the industry and make students more competitive when they graduate. A large number of companies in the U.S. and abroad offer internships in the textile and apparel field. Internship exposures help students better their understanding of the industry and determine what career path is best for them.
Normally the applicant for graduate study should have an undergraduate major in apparel, merchandising, design, or textiles. However, candidates with a good record in related fields (such as business, economics, marketing, psychology, sociology, and etc.) may be well prepared for certain areas of advanced study. All graduate students must show competency in their area of study (through an undergraduate degree or industry experience) in order to earn their degree. Please refer to WSU Graduate catalog and web site at
Student Learning Outcomes
The goal of Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles is to provide high-quality education that prepares graduates for success in the fashion, retails, textiles and apparel industry. State of the art classrooms, computer lab and laboratory equipment, fully equipped apparel design studios, visual merchandising studio, and photo studio, a program and curriculum aligned with current industry needs, and nationally and internationally recognized faculty, give the students in WSU’s AMDT program a learning advantage.
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