The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.
School of Engineering and Computer Science - WSU Vancouver
Engineering & Computer Science (VECS) 201
Academic Director and Associate Professor, X. Zhao; Professors, H. Gurocak, D. Kim, F. Zhao; Associate Professors, X. Chen, T. Karacolak, J. H. Kim, P. Sekhar, S. Solovitz, H. Tan, S. Wallace, X. Zhang; Assistant Professors, J. Campos do Prado, H. Gao, C. Qin, , A. Wisniewska; Scholarly Professor, J. Lynch; Scholarly Associate Professor, P. Bonamy, B. McCamish, H. Rad; Scholarly Assistant Professors, A. Majdara, G. Williams; Lecturer, F. Kabir; Adjunct Faculty, D. Lowe, K. Morgan.
The School of Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS) is an academic unit of the WSU Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture that houses the engineering and computer science programs located at WSU Vancouver.
The undergraduate curricula provide students with a solid foundation upon which they can build to meet the challenges associated with their individual career paths and to adapt to rapidly changing technologies. We emphasize the fundamentals and give students significant choice in designing their academic course of study to meet their career goals. In Computer Science, students can choose from a variety of courses in areas such as intelligent systems, software and hardware systems, and data-intensive computation. In Mechanical Engineering, students can customize their study through three option areas: (1) Micro/nanotechnology; (2) Design and Manufacturing; (3) Renewable Energy. The Renewable Energy track is an interdisciplinary option track — available to ECE students and MECH students — incorporating elements of all ENCS disciplines. In Electrical Engineering, students can choose upper division elective courses such as computer architecture, signal processing, IC fabrication, RF/Antenna Design, Power systems, and others. Effective writing, speaking and presentation skills, and ethics are also emphasized as important attributes of our graduates.
The School of ENCS is located at Washington State University's campus in Vancouver, Washington and is intended to directly serve students in the southwest Washington region. The programs were established and designed to prepare students to satisfy the needs of regional companies and organizations for engineering and computing professionals. The curricula also prepare students for continued education at the graduate level in computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
The School offers courses of study leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS), Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS), Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE), and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME). For students who want to continue their education, ENCS also offers opportunities to pursue Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, and in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
The undergraduate programs in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The undergraduate program in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,
It is the objective of the computer science program to provide a broad education in the science and application of computing. Students are expected to gain proficiency in the design and implementation of software systems, as well as the application of the theory of computing to that process. In addition, all students will develop a background in the hardware architectures that underlie software systems and the mathematics that provide the basis for science and computing. The degree program also requires students to obtain a background in other scientific disciplines and to develop effective communication skills.
Educational Objectives
The goal of our program is to prepare our graduates for successful professional practice and advanced studies by providing a broad education in computer science and by offering the opportunity to deepen their technical understanding in particular areas of computer science through technical electives.
As a graduate of the WSU Vancouver Computer Science program:
- You will have the ability, knowledge, and skills for a successful career in computer science.
- You will adapt to the changing landscape of computer science.
- You will advance, engage with, and respond to issues of justice, ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion in professional and civic settings.
- You will act as a responsible professional, contributing to the greater benefit of society.
Student Learning Outcomes
Our graduates will have an ability to:
- Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
- Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
- Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
- Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
- Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
Electrical Engineering is a diverse field of engineering study encompassing much of the underlying technology of our modern world. Electrical engineers lead the design of microelectronics, computers, tablets, smartphones, communication networks, control systems and power generation and distribution. Aerospace and military systems include major subsystems conceived and designed by electrical engineers.
The lower division electrical engineering curriculum covers the fundamental aspects of the field, emphasizing the theory, principles and knowledge expected of all electrical engineers. The upper division curriculum includes elective courses such as computer architecture, signal processing, IC fabrication, RF/Antenna Design, Power systems, and others.
The curriculum incorporates extensive hands-on experiences through laboratory work and design projects. All electrical engineering students participate in a senior design project with a team of students, usually spanning multiple engineering disciplines.
Educational Objectives
The goal of our program is to prepare our graduates for successful professional practice and advanced studies by providing a broad education in electrical engineering and by offering the opportunity to deepen their technical understanding in a particular concentration area of related technical electives. Our graduates will:
- Apply technical knowledge and skills as electrical engineers to provide effective solutions in industrial and governmental organizations.
- Utilize effective communication, teamwork, and task management skills to work productively within their professions and communities.
- Conduct themselves as responsible professionals contributing to the greater benefit of society through technology.
- Pursue professional development and/or graduate studies to meet the emerging and evolving demands and increasing responsibilities of a successful career.
Student Learning Outcomes
Our graduates will have:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM Mechanical Engineering provides an excellent education for today's technological world. Mechanical engineers are the backbone of the engineering profession and work in every industry from transportation, communications, and electronics to bioengineering, commerce, and manufacturing in business, government, and universities. Mechanical engineers work with motion, energy, and force, and are involved with analyzing and manufacturing the products they design. They design consumer products, develop robotic systems, computer control systems for machinery, commercial jets, instruments for medicine, high performance sporting equipment, and supervise manufacturing operations.
Our undergraduate curriculum covers the fundamental aspects of the field, emphasizes basic principles and their use in solving engineering problems. The upper division course of study focuses on design, manufacturing process, robotics, computer-aided engineering, thermal and fluid systems, mechanics of materials, micro- and nano-device design and manufacturing, and machine integration and automation. The curriculum incorporates hands-on experiences through laboratory work and design projects. The program provides flexibility to students in customizing their study through three option areas:
- Micro/Nano Technology Option: Provides education in basic semiconductor concepts, fundamentals of microscopic phenomena in microfluidics, micro device fabrication techniques, nano-science and its impact on design of the next generation engineering systems.
- Design and Manufacturing Option: Emphasizes mechanical system design and realization through computer aided engineering, material failure in mechanical design, and advanced manufacturing.
- Renewable Energy Option: Includes work in Solar Power, Wind Power, as well as enhanced coursework in other option track courses. The Renewable Energy track is an interdisciplinary option track - available to ECE students as well as MECH students.
Educational Objectives
The goal of our program is to prepare our graduates for successful professional practice and advanced studies by providing a broad education in mechanical engineering and by offering the opportunity to deepen their technical understanding in a particular concentration area of related technical electives. Our graduates will:
- Apply technical knowledge and skills as mechanical engineers to provide effective solutions in industrial and governmental organizations.
- Utilize effective communication, team, and project management skills to work productively within their professions and communities.
- Conduct themselves in a responsible, professional, and ethical manner.
- Continue their education through completion of training courses, workshops, seminars, and/or graduate studies relevant to their professional development.
Student Learning Outcomes
Our graduates will have:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Admission to the Major
Admission to a degree program is required by WSU prior to the granting of a baccalaureate degree. Qualification for initial admission, as well as continuation of admitted status, will be evaluated based on several criteria including academic integrity, overall grade point average (GPA), GPA in mathematics, science, and major core courses; computer science, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering. Additional details regarding admission to the major are available in the schedules of studies for each major or from the School of ENCS academic coordinators.
Transfer Students
The School of Engineering and Computer Science cooperates closely with Washington community colleges to facilitate the transfer of students into its computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering programs. Students planning to transfer into the School of ENCS are strongly encouraged to contact an ENCS academic coordinator to evaluate the transfer course credits and to help plan the continuation of their academic career at Washington State University Vancouver.
Students will note that a number of the courses offered by the School of ENCS have identical course numbers and similar descriptions to courses offered by the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering on the Pullman campus. The transfer of course credit between these Schools is not automatic or guaranteed. Students intending to take courses in one School for credit in another are advised to consult with the academic coordinator for their degree program, in advance, to assess how the courses may fulfill their degree requirements.
Preparation for Graduate Study The Master of Science in Computer Science program in the School of ENCS offers both thesis and non-thesis options. The thesis option requires 30 credit hours, including 21 hours of graded course work and 9 credits of thesis research (CS 700). The non-thesis option requires 31 credit hours, including 27 hours of graded course work and 4 credits of independent research (CS 702). The program offers critical technologies that span core areas of Computer Science. The coursework and research are in the general areas of computing theory; big data and data science; artificial intelligence; security; and systems and networks. Sophisticated facilities are available for instruction and research, including a high-performance computing cluster with dedicated high-bandwidth network facilities. Teaching and research assistantships are available for qualified students.
Before undertaking graduate study in computer science, the student should have completed a baccalaureate degree substantially similar to the BSCS degree described below in the BSCS schedule of studies. Students from other academic disciplines are encouraged to apply, however such students will be required to take or have taken the equivalent of the following courses: CS 317, CS 360 and CS 450, including all prerequisites for these courses. An undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 is a minimum for admission to the MS program.
The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program in the School of ENCS offers both thesis and non-thesis programs. The thesis option requires a minimum of 30 credit hours, which includes 21 hours of graded coursework beyond the bachelor's degree, plus a minimum of 4 thesis credits (ECE 700). The remaining five credits can be additional ECE 700 thesis credits or 500-level ECE classes. The non-thesis option requires a minimum of 31 credit hours. This includes 27 hours of graded coursework beyond the bachelor's degree, plus a minimum of 4 ECE 702 credits. The MSEE program has Lab-on-a-Chip theme, which is used as a unifying platform to make connections between courses. The coursework and research are in the general areas of antenna design; RF/microwave systems; Micro/nanoelectronics; MEMS; sensors and signal processing; nanotechnology; power systems; power electronics and motor drives; and digital/embedded systems. Our laboratories, including a class-100 clean room and RF laboratories, are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. Teaching and research assistantships are available for qualified students pursuing the thesis option.
A Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited program in electrical engineering provides a good background for the MSEE graduate program. Students with bachelor's degrees in other engineering disciplines, mathematics, and the physical sciences may be admitted, but will be required to make up requisite undergraduate deficiencies. An undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 is a minimum for admission to the MS program.
The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering program in the School of ENCS offers thesis and non-thesis programs, which require a minimum of 30 credit hours. The thesis program requirement includes 21 hours of graded coursework beyond the bachelor's degree, plus a minimum of 4 thesis credits (MECH 700). The remaining five credits can be additional MECH 700 thesis credits or 500-level MECH classes. The non-thesis program requirement includes 26 hours of graded coursework beyond the bachelor's degree, plus a minimum of 4 independent research credits (MECH 702). The program has a theme of Digital Design and Manufacturing a modern and critical set of digital technologies for advanced modeling, simulation, analysis, integration of information technology, sensing, automation, and big data to rapidly design and manufacture products. The coursework and research are in the general areas of product design, sustainable engineering, advanced materials, automation, and new manufacturing processes. Teaching and research assistantships are available for qualified students.
A Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited program in mechanical engineering provides a good background for the MSME graduate program. Students with bachelor's degrees in other engineering disciplines, mathematics, and the physical sciences may be admitted, but will be required to make up requisite undergraduate deficiencies. An undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 is a minimum for admission to the MS program.
View Full Unit Information
- View Full Unit Information
- Computer Science - Vancouver
- Electrical Engineering - Vancouver
- Mechanical Engineering - Vancouver
Schedules of Studies
- Computer Science (Vancouver Only)
- Electrical Engineering (Vancouver only)
- Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver Only)
- Computer Science (Vancouver only)
- Electrical Engineering (Vancouver only)
- Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver only)