The Washington State University General Catalog

Microbiology – Molecular Biology Option

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Microbiology – Molecular Biology Option (120 Credits)

A student may be admitted to a School of Molecular Biosciences Microbiology major upon making their intention known to the department. To remain in good standing, a student must meet the following two requirements:

  • Complete BIOLOGY 106, BIOLOGY 107, CHEM 105 and CHEM 106, MBIOS 301, MBIOS 303, MBIOS 305, or transfer equivalents, with a minimum grade of C.
  • After 30 credits, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.

A Microbiology major who falls below the minimum requirements will be released from the program according to Academic Regulation 53.

A grade of C or better is required in all MBIOS courses taken to meet graduation requirements. None of these courses may be taken pass/fail.

Completed core requirements may not be used to satisfy lecture or lab electives.
First Year
First TermCredits
BIOLOGY 106 [BSCI] or 107 [BSCI]4
CHEM 105 [PSCI]4
MATH 106 (accelerated) or Elective13
MATH 108 (accelerated) or Elective12
Second TermCredits
BIOLOGY 106 or 1074
CHEM 1064
MATH 140 [QUAN] or 171 [QUAN]4
MBIOS 1381
Second Year
First TermCredits
Arts [ARTS]3
CHEM 34524
Humanities [HUM]3
MBIOS 3013
Second TermCredits
MBIOS 3034
MBIOS 3053
Social Sciences [SSCI]3
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
Diversity [DIVR]3
Equity and Justice [EQJS]3
MBIOS 304 or360 [M]3 or 2
PHYSICS 101 or 2013
PHYSICS 111 or 2111
STAT 212 or 4123 or 4
Second TermCredits
MBIOS 360 [M] or 3042 or 3
MBIOS 4103
MBIOS 4503
PHYSICS 102 or 2023
PHYSICS 112 or 2121
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
Lecture Elective33
MBIOS 4043
MBIOS 4403
MBIOS 460 or 4113
Second TermCredits
MBIOS 4423
MBIOS 494 [M] [CAPS]3
Exit Survey

1If required - consult advisor.
2CHEM 345 and 348 recommended for professional or graduate degrees.
3Lecture elective: select one from MBIOS 342, 401, 413, 426, 446; BIOLOGY 418, ENTOM 343, FS 416.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
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