The Washington State University General Catalog

Philosophy - Pre-Law Option

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Philosophy - Pre-Law Option (120 Credits)

A student may be admitted to the Philosophy - Pre-Law option upon making their intention known to the department.

The student must complete thirty (30) credits of coursework in Philosophy: 3 credits in PHIL 200; 3 credits in PHIL 201 to satisfy a logical requirement (which can count toward the [QUAN] requirement); 9 credits toward a breadth requirement (3 credits in each of History, Value Theory, and Metaphysics & Epistemology (M&E)); 6 credits in further study in any of the three main areas; 3 credits in PHIL 470; 3 credits in advanced study from 300-400-level PHIL courses, and 3 credits in a capstone [CAPS] course in philosophy. The Pre-Law option also requires that the student take POL S 300.

No course with a grade of D+ or less and no course taken pass/fail will be counted toward the major. The overall GPA for courses in the major must be at least a 2.00.
First Year
First TermCredits
PHIL 200 [WRTG]3
Social Sciences [SSCI]3
Second TermCredits
Humanities [HUM]23
PHIL 201 [QUAN]3
Second Year
First TermCredits
Biological Sciences [BSCI] with lab34
History of Philosophy Course (Group A)4,53
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,66
Second TermCredits
Equity and Justice [EQJS]3
Metaphysics and Epistemology Course (Group C)5,73
Physical Sciences [PSCI] with lab34
Foreign Language, if needed, or Electives1,64
Complete Writing Portfolio
Third Year
First TermCredits
Arts [ARTS]3
Diversity [DIVR]3
POL S 3003
Value Theory Course (Group B)5,83
Second TermCredits
Further Study Requirement5,93
PHIL Integrative Capstone [CAPS]3
Fourth Year
First TermCredits
PHIL 4703
Second TermCredits
Advanced Study Requirements5,103

1Electives: Students are encouraged to apply electives toward completion of an additional major. Elective courses must include sufficient 300-400 level coursework to fulfill the University requirement of 40 upper division credits.
2Students must meet UCORE requirements not satisfied by Introductory Course and applicable course must be from a subject other than PHIL.
3To meet College of Arts and Sciences requirements, students must complete 1 additional lab credit of [BSCI] or [PSCI] for a total of 8 credits (2 labs).
4History of Philosophy Course (Group A) (3 credits): Choose one from PHIL 314 [M], PHIL 315 [M], PHIL 320 [M], PHIL 321, PHIL 322, PHIL 333, PHIL 390, PHIL 420, PHIL 421, and PHIL 437 [M] not used to fulfill other Philosophy major requirements.
5To meet University requirements, students are required to complete at least two [M] courses.
6Two years of high school foreign language or at least two semesters of college-level foreign language are required by the College of Arts and Sciences for graduation.
7Metaphysics and Epistemology Course (Group C) (3 credits): Choose one from PHIL 207, PHIL 350, PHIL 390, PHIL 401, PHIL 406, PHIL 407, PHIL 413, PHIL 425, PHIL 442 [M], PHIL 443 [M], PHIL 446, PHIL 447, PHIL 475 not used to fulfill other Philosophy major requirements.
8Value Theory Course (Group B) (3 credits): Choose one from PHIL 220, PHIL 280, PHIL 333, PHIL 360, PHIL 365, PHIL 370, PHIL 390, PHIL 406, PHIL 413, PHIL 425, PHIL 431, PHIL 435, PHIL 437 [M], PHIL 438 [M], PHIL 450, PHIL 460 [M], PHIL 462 [M], PHIL 470, PHIL 472 [M], PHIL 475 not used to fulfill other Philosophy major requirements.
9Further Study Requirement (6 credits): Any course in groups A, B, and C not used to fulfill other requirements.
10Advanced Study Requirement (3 credits): Any 300-400-level PHIL course not used to fulfill other requirements.

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