The Washington State University General Catalog

Courses with the AG_ED Subject

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

Agricultural Education (AG_ED)

(Select Campus to see schedule links)

110 Introduction to Agricultural Education 2 Introduction to Agricultural Education Model, requirements for becoming an agricultural teacher; roles of the agricultural teacher.

342 (Effective through Summer 2025) Methods of Teaching Agriculture 3 Course Prerequisite: TCH LRN 303; admitted to teacher education (Secondary Education). Methods and strategies for teaching agricultural science.

407 [CAPS] Student Teaching in Agricultural Education V 4-16 Course Prerequisite: AG ED 440; AG ED 450; AG ED 471; senior standing. Supervised teaching in public schools including seminars reflecting effective teaching. Required preparation: Includes applying; paying certification fees; completing all other coursework for degree and teacher certification; receiving fingerprint clearance from WSP, FBI, and Office of Professional Practices; maintaining 2.5 GPA overall and in endorsement and professional core classes. Placement by interview only. S, F grading.

430 Reinforcing Core Academics in Agricultural Education 4 (3-3) Strategies of reinforcing core academics in secondary agricultural education. This course leads to CASE certification.

431 Applied Instructional Strategies in Agricultural Education 4 (2-6) Introduction to agriculture, food, and natural resource systems, and strategies for reinforcing core academics in secondary education. Leads to CASE certification in AFNR.

440 [M] Principles of Career and Technical Education V 2-3 Course Prerequisite: TCH LRN 464 or concurrent enrollment; TCH LRN 465 or concurrent enrollment; TCH LRN 466 or concurrent enrollment. Local, state, and national vocational technical educational legislation, policies, programs, and organizations.

442 (Effective through Summer 2025) Program Planning in Agricultural Education 2 Organization and management of a total vocational agricultural program.

450 Planning, Curriculum, and Techniques in Ag Ed 3 Course Prerequisite: TCH LRN 301; TCH LRN 317; admitted to teacher education (Secondary Education). Focus on career and technical education program planning, curriculum development, and instructional techniques for agricultural education programs.

471 Student Organizations in Agricultural Education 2 Role of Future Farmers of America (FFA) in student organizations; role of advisor; principles of leadership; characteristics of successful FFA chapters. Course equivalent to OSU's Ag 421/521.

497 Internship in Agricultural Education V 2-12 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. Course Prerequisite: By interview only. Off-campus professional experience. S, F grading.

499 Special Problems V 1-4 May be repeated for credit. Course Prerequisite: By department permission. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.

504 Special Topics in Vocational Education V 1-3 Special topics in agricultural education or agriculture that will provide advanced training for teachers of agriculture.

508 Foundations of Vocational Education 3 Historical, philosophical, social, political and economic factors that influence education in vocational environments.

511 Seminar in Career and Technical Education V 1-2 Seminar addressing new and emerging legislation and educational programs in vocational education.

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
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