The Washington State University General Catalog

Organic Agriculture (Online and in Pullman)

The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective.

Organic Agriculture (Online and in Pullman)

The Certificate in Organic Agriculture is an 18-credit undergraduate program that can be taken along with a major in another field, or as a stand-alone educational experience. The certificate is ideal for professionals working in agriculture or related fields who require in-depth knowledge of organic systems, those wanting to pursue a career in organic agriculture, anyone interested in beginning a community-supported agriculture (CSA) enterprise, home gardeners, as well as current WSU students in other majors at WSU with an interest in organic agriculture.  Students develop knowledge and skills that are applicable to industries and agencies involved in the food chain - from production, processing, and delivery to policy, regulation, and education.

      The 18-credit certificate program is designed with 3 core courses (9 credit hours) required for all students, 3 credit hours of “experiential learning”, plus a minimum of 6 additional credit hours (electives) selected from a range of courses. All courses already exist as permanent courses, and the certificate can be fulfilled through on-line delivery or in-class participation on the Pullman campus.

     Requirements:  Core:  9 credit hours from SOIL SCI 101, 201, and 302 (cross-listed as AFS 302);  Experimental Learning:  3 credit hours from SOIL SCI 480 (for on-campus students) or 498 (for online students);  Electives:  6 credit hours from AFS 445, BIOLOGY 140, CROP SCI 102, 360, 443, CRS 336, ECONS 101, 102, or SOIL SCI 441.

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Office of the Registrar, PO Box 641035, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1035, 509-335-5346,
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