The Washington State University Vancouver Catalog

Courses with the DIVR UCORE


The online catalog includes the most recent changes to courses and degree requirements that have been approved by the Faculty Senate, including changes that are not yet effective. Courses showing two entries of the same number indicate that the course information is changing. The most recently approved version is shown first, followed by the older version, in gray, with its last-effective term preceding the course title. Courses shown in gray with only one entry of the course number are being discontinued. Course offerings by term can be accessed by clicking on the term links when viewing a specific campus catalog.

American Indian Studies (AIS)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

320 [DIVR] Native Peoples of North America 3 A holistic exploration of various Indigenous peoples and cultures of North America, through the lens of anthropology. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 320, AIS 320.)

327 [DIVR] Contemporary Native Peoples of the Americas 3 Contemporary cultures of Native American communities emphasizing North America. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 327, AIS 327.)

Apparel, Merchandising, Design, And Textiles (AMDT)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

317 [DIVR] [M] Multicultural Perspectives on the Body and Dress 3 Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Engagement in multidisciplinary approaches that explore the social importance of the body, gender and dress.

Anthropology (ANTH)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

101 [DIVR] Introduction to Anthropology 3 Explores what it means to be human through biological anthropology (human evolution), archaeology (material remains of past peoples), sociocultural anthropology (present peoples), and linguistics (language).

203 [DIVR] Global Cultural Diversity 3 Introduction to the field of cultural anthropology; examination of how cultures vary and are similar.

307 [DIVR] Contemporary Cultures and Peoples of Africa 3 Introduction to family, social, political, economic and religious institutions of African cultures in context of African social issues.

316 [DIVR] Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective 3 Cross-cultural examination of gendered status and roles, sexuality and marriage, folk concepts of sexual anatomy in Western and non-Western societies; concepts of nature and culture are explored through a variety of perspectives. Recommended preparation: Sophomore standing. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 316, WGSS 316.)

320 [DIVR] Native Peoples of North America 3 A holistic exploration of various Indigenous peoples and cultures of North America, through the lens of anthropology. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 320, AIS 320.)

327 [DIVR] Contemporary Native Peoples of the Americas 3 Contemporary cultures of Native American communities emphasizing North America. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 327, AIS 327.)

350 [DIVR] Speech, Thought, and Culture 3 The role of language in social situations and as a reflection of cultural differences.

Asia (ASIA)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

271 [DIVR] Southeast Asian History: Vietnam to Indonesia 3 Historical introduction to Southeast Asian social, religious, political, economic and cultural institutions including Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, the Philippines and Indonesia. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 271, ASIA 271.)

272 [DIVR] Introduction to Middle Eastern History 3 History of the Middle East from Muhammad to the present; political and religious development and the impact of empires. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 272, ASIA 272.)

273 [DIVR] Islam in Global History 3 Charts spread of Islam among the world's peoples, Islamic contributions to world heritage, and Islam's role in modern global affairs. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 273, ASIA 273.)

275 [DIVR] Introduction to East Asian Culture 3 Survey of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and others) history from 1766 BCE to the present. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 275, ASIA 275.)

377 [DIVR] Modern Japanese History 3 Examination of political, socioeconomic and cultural changes and the international crises in modern Japan since the 19th century. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 377, ASIA 377.)

Biology (BIOLOGY)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

307 [DIVR] Biology of Sex and Gender 3 Course Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 102 or 106. Biological basis of sex and its relationship to body function, women and health care, and the impact of social and cultural perspectives on the experience of being female. (Crosslisted course offered as BIOLOGY 307, WGSS 307.)

Comparative Ethnic Studies (CES)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

207 [DIVR] Race/Ethnic Dynamics and the Corporate World 3 Social, cultural, and institutional processes that attach meaning to notions of race and racial differences, especially in U.S.-based corporations.

325 [DIVR] Traveling Cultures: Tourism in Global Perspective 3 Social relations and cultural practices central to tourism with examples from around the world.

332 [DIVR] [M] Topics in African American Literature 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Trends and major writers. (Crosslisted course offered as ENGLISH 322, CES 332.)

Chinese (CHINESE)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

322 [DIVR] Ecology in East Asian Cultures 3 Major ecological issues in East Asia through cultural representations, and analysis of their implications to the U.S. (Crosslisted course offered as ASIA 322, CHINESE 322, HUMANITY 322, JAPANESE 322.)

Communication (COM)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

321 [DIVR] Intercultural Communication 3 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to any major. Culture and cultural differences, race and ethnicity, stereotypes, and intercultural communication in contexts.

Digital Technology And Culture (DTC)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

206 [DIVR] Digital Inclusion 3 Examination of global reach of digital environments, structures, and tools with focus on inclusion in terms of access, availability, affordability, adoption, and application across cultures.

475 [DIVR] Digital Diversity 3 Cultural impact of digital media in cultural contexts; issues of race, class, gender, sexuality online.

Economic Sciences (ECONS)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

428 [DIVR] Global Capitalism Today: Perspectives and Issues 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101, 102, or 198. Logic and consequences of capitalism as global system; multinational corporations; underdevelopment and overdevelopment; external debt, population, and environmental crisis.

English (ENGLISH)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

322 [DIVR] [M] Topics in African American Literature 3 May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 credits. Trends and major writers. (Crosslisted course offered as ENGLISH 322, CES 332.)

Foreign Languages And Cultures (FOR_LANG)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

110 [DIVR] Understanding World Cinema 3 Taught in English. Variable content course. Introduction to understanding world cinema from aesthetic, cultural, and historical perspectives.

120 [DIVR] Introduction to World Cultures 3 An introduction to inter-/intra-cultural communication of foreign cultures, plus customs, art, music, religion, fashion, food, et al. Taught in English.

Human Development (H_D)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

350 [DIVR] Family Diversity 3 Course Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Preparation for students in human service professions to work with ethnic, cultural, economic, language, gender, religious and other types of diversity.

Hospitality Business Management (HBM)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 


No letter-graded course offered by the Carson College of Business may be taken for a Pass, Fail (P, F) grade.

270 [DIVR] Exploring the Business of Aging 3 Introduction to the unique aspects of managing senior housing communities, focusing on the social model of this hospitality-based business. Field trip required. (Formerly HBM 375.)

History (HISTORY)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

120 [DIVR] World History I 3 Integrated study of political, social, cultural, economic, environmental and religious systems among peoples and civilization prior to 1500 CE.

271 [DIVR] Southeast Asian History: Vietnam to Indonesia 3 Historical introduction to Southeast Asian social, religious, political, economic and cultural institutions including Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, the Philippines and Indonesia. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 271, ASIA 271.)

272 [DIVR] Introduction to Middle Eastern History 3 History of the Middle East from Muhammad to the present; political and religious development and the impact of empires. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 272, ASIA 272.)

273 [DIVR] Islam in Global History 3 Charts spread of Islam among the world's peoples, Islamic contributions to world heritage, and Islam's role in modern global affairs. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 273, ASIA 273.)

275 [DIVR] Introduction to East Asian Culture 3 Survey of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and others) history from 1766 BCE to the present. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 275, ASIA 275.)

308 [DIVR] Native American History 3 Traces American Indian history from time immemorial to the present against the backdrop of sovereignty, treaty rights, and trust responsibility. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

322 [DIVR] U.S. Popular Culture Since 1930 3 Movies, radio, television, sports, music, and other popular arts in historical context; explores diverse cultural influences on the development of American popular culture while examining its influence on cultures around the world.

335 [DIVR] Women in Latin American History 3 Survey of women's changing roles throughout Latin America from pre colonial to present. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 335, WGSS 335.)

361 [DIVR] American Roots: Immigration, Migration, and Ethnic Identity 3 An analysis of immigration to migration within the US including political and social consequences and the experiences of ethnic groups since the early 19th century.

377 [DIVR] Modern Japanese History 3 Examination of political, socioeconomic and cultural changes and the international crises in modern Japan since the 19th century. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 377, ASIA 377.)

383 [DIVR] Drugs in World History 3 Exploration of the impact of drugs on economic systems, the development of cultures, and general lifestyles of societies around the world.

Humanities (HUMANITY)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

322 [DIVR] Ecology in East Asian Cultures 3 Major ecological issues in East Asia through cultural representations, and analysis of their implications to the U.S. (Crosslisted course offered as ASIA 322, CHINESE 322, HUMANITY 322, JAPANESE 322.)

Mathematics (MATH)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

431 [DIVR] Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 301 with a C or better. Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

531 [DIVR] Intersections of Culture and Mathematics 3 Gender/race/ethnicity differences; social consequences; cultural influences on development and learning of mathematics; role of women, people of color in mathematics. Credit not granted for both MATH 431 and 531. Offered at 400 and 500 level. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.

Music (MUS)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

362 [DIVR] History of Jazz 3 History of jazz in chronological sequence; social and political contexts of the African-American origins of jazz; stylistic developments.

363 [DIVR] Women in Music 3 Intersections of gender, class, race, and culture with popular and country music. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 363, WGSS 363.)

Sociology (SOC)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

251 [DIVR] The Sociology of Sex, Relationships, and Marriage 3 Social and personal factors in mate selection; the sociology of sexuality; development of gender roles; and intimate relationships and marriage. (Crosslisted course offered as SOC 251, WGSS 251.)

351 [DIVR] The Family 3 Family system and its interaction patterns; family formation and dissolution; marital and partner relations, divorce, sexuality, parenting, work-family balance. Recommended preparation: SOC 101. (Crosslisted course offered as SOC 351, WGSS 351.)

361 (Effective through Summer 2025) [DIVR] Criminology 3 Crime measurement, theories of crime, the correlates of crime, and specific types of crime such as white-collar and drug crime. Recommended preparation: SOC 101.

School Of The Environment (SOE)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

312 [DIVR] Natural Resources, Society, and the Environment 3 Social views of natural resources; processes by which these views are developed and expressed; social conflict over natural resources.

Spanish (SPANISH)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

320 [DIVR] Peninsular Spanish Culture 3 Course Prerequisite: SPANISH 306, 307, or 308. Study of the culture of Spain. Taught in Spanish.

321 [DIVR] Latin American Cultures 3 Course Prerequisite: SPANISH 306, 307, or 308. Study of Latin American culture. Taught in Spanish.

Women's, Gender, And Sexuality Studies (WGSS)

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 

251 [DIVR] The Sociology of Sex, Relationships, and Marriage 3 Social and personal factors in mate selection; the sociology of sexuality; development of gender roles; and intimate relationships and marriage. (Crosslisted course offered as SOC 251, WGSS 251.)

307 [DIVR] Biology of Sex and Gender 3 Course Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 102 or 106. Biological basis of sex and its relationship to body function, women and health care, and the impact of social and cultural perspectives on the experience of being female. (Crosslisted course offered as BIOLOGY 307, WGSS 307.)

316 [DIVR] Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective 3 Cross-cultural examination of gendered status and roles, sexuality and marriage, folk concepts of sexual anatomy in Western and non-Western societies; concepts of nature and culture are explored through a variety of perspectives. Recommended preparation: Sophomore standing. (Crosslisted course offered as ANTH 316, WGSS 316.)

335 [DIVR] Women in Latin American History 3 Survey of women's changing roles throughout Latin America from pre colonial to present. (Crosslisted course offered as HISTORY 335, WGSS 335.)

351 [DIVR] The Family 3 Family system and its interaction patterns; family formation and dissolution; marital and partner relations, divorce, sexuality, parenting, work-family balance. Recommended preparation: SOC 101. (Crosslisted course offered as SOC 351, WGSS 351.)

363 [DIVR] Women in Music 3 Intersections of gender, class, race, and culture with popular and country music. (Crosslisted course offered as MUS 363, WGSS 363.)

Student Affairs Schedule of Classes Commencement Veteran's Affairs Summer Session
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